Depression Powerpoint - 2
Depression Powerpoint - 2
Depression Powerpoint - 2
• Negative or
particularly stressful
events can trigger
Examples include
the death of a loved
• Major illnesses such as heart
attack, stroke or cancer may cause
Certain medications used alone
or in combination can cause
side effects much like the
symptoms of depression.
Use of Alcohol or other Drugs
can lead to depression.
Symptoms of Depression
Vary from person to
Take Action!
See a medical doctor for a complete
check up.Some medical problems,
such as an under-functioning
thyroid,can cause depression.
Go to the counseling center and talk with
a professional counselor.
Talk things over with an understanding
friend, family member or student
services staff.
Don’t expect too much of yourself until
your energy and mood improve
Take a break
Get some exercise
Avoid extra stress
Things to do
Reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol
or drugs
Exercise or engage in some form of
physical activity
Eat a proper, well-balanced diet
Establish a regular sleep
Obtain an adequate and consistent amount
of sleep—not too much, nor too little
Seek emotional support from family and
Focus on meaningful, positive aspects of your
Pace yourself, modify your schedule, and set
small, realistic goals
Things to Avoid
Don’t make long-term commitments or
important decisions unless necessary while you
are feeling down
Don’t assume things are hopeless
Don’t assume responsibility for events which
are outside of your control
Don’t avoid treatment-take some action to cope
Don’t be critical of yourself; avoid critical others
Dealing with a depressed friend
Be understanding
Don’t try to “cheer up” a depressed
person—it can feel minimizing. Simply
ask if there is anything you can do to
help—the answer will often be “no,” but
the support will be felt.
Avoid critical or shaming statements
Helping a depressed friend…