Genovarum and Genovalgum

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Genu Varum and Genu Valgum


a condition where the tibia is curved a condition where the knee

laterally so that the child's feet are separation occurs when the feet are
shaped like the letter o joined so that the feet are x-shaped


There is a disruption of leg bone growth
resulting in a shift in the mechanical axis achondroplasia
of the foot. blount disease
The wrong way to carry, the child metabolic
encircles the mother's body at an angle of obesitas

The wrong sleeping position is on his

stomach like a frog.

Use disposable diapers in inappropriate

time and manner, especially when
children learn to walk.

After trauma.


in children aged 2 years, this event occurs when the child's sleeping and
is physiological. but if it occurs in sitting position is wrong. such as how
children older than 2 years, the tibia to sit with the knees facing forward,
bone shifts laterally. The medial the femur inward and the hind legs
femoral condyle and the medial facing outward, resulting in femoral
platella of the tibia will be torsis, the collateral ligament collapse
pathologically burdened - the of the knee joint. giving rise to an
heuter volkman effect will inhibit excessive burden on the femur and
the ossification of the epiphyses --- lateral tibia --- the heuter volkman
the ligaments become weak and the effect --- inhibits bone expansion ---
joints unstable inhibits growth

GENUVALGUM 1. Both knees away from the medial direction
2. Flexion, abduction, and external rotation of
1. Both knees get closer the hip, and internal tibial torsion (proximal)
2. Loose in the knee ligaments 3. Mild foot supination
3. Changes in gait 4. Curvilinear appearance is a torsional
combination of external rotation of the hip
4. Pain due to strains on the
(tight posterior capsule)
patellofemoral extensor 5. Physiological arising at or below the knee
5. Bad looking and symmetrical
6. Display of the knee valgus 6. Display of knee varus <11 (knee angulation
15(angulation of the knee bent toward positioned away from the linea mediana of
the medial line) the body)
7. The body looks sho 7. Occurs since the baby starts to be able to
stand and walk alone
8. When both children's ankles are held in
contact with the medial maleos, there is a
gap between the medial femoral condyle and
the distal femur
Physical Examination

• Pay attention to the knee when walking whether there is lateral thrust
or medial thrust.

Laboratory Examination

1) Calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphate, creatinine, and hematocrit.

2) PTH
3) 25-hydroxy vitamin D
4) I-25-dehydroxy vitamin D
• if it occurs in children under
the age of 2 years, it is enough
to be observed.

• Brace treatment
in children aged 2.5-5 years
who have a high risk for
experiencing blount disease.

• Knee ankle foot Orthosis

Before age 3, knee-ankle-foot-
orthosis (KAFO) is used for 23
hours a day. The bones will be
straightened with braces,
orthotics are replaced every two
months or so to improve the
bowlegged position (O leg)

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