ADC Chapter 1 Notes
ADC Chapter 1 Notes
ADC Chapter 1 Notes
Communication Systems
Lecture #2
Course Instructor
Dr Nauman Anwar Baig
1.3 Spectral Density
value at the origin is equal to
R x (0) x 2 (t) dt
the energy of the signal
2. Autocorrelation of a Power Signal
When the power signal x(t) is periodic with period T0, the
autocorrelation function can be expressed as
T0 / 2
R x ( )
T0 / 2
x(t) x (t + ) dt for - < < (1.23)
2. Autocorrelation of a Power Signal
The first moment of a
m X E{ X } X ( x)dx probability distribution of a
random variable X is called
mean value mX, or expected
value of a random variable X
E{ X 2 } x 2 p X ( x)dx The second moment of a
probability distribution is the
mean-square value of X
var( X ) E{( X m X ) 2 } Central moments are the
moments of the difference
between X and mX and the
( x m X ) p X ( x)dx second central moment is the
variance of X
Variance is equal to the
var( X ) E{ X } E{ X }
2 2 difference between the mean-
square value and the square
of the mean
2. Random Processes
E{ X (t )} mX a constant (1.32)
1. GX ( f ) 0
And is always real valued
2. GX ( f ) GX ( f ) for X(t) real-valued
1 1 n 2
p ( n) exp (1.40)
2 2
Noise in Communication Systems
The normalized or standardized Gaussian density function of a
zero-mean process is obtained by assuming unit variance. White Noise
Rn ( ) {Gn ( f )}
( ) (1.43)
The average power Pn of white noise is infinite
p ( n)
df (1.44)
The effect on the detection process of a channel with additive
white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is that the noise affects each
transmitted symbol independently.