National Assessment and Accreditation

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National Assessment and

Dr.Indulal G
St.Aloysius College, Edathua
(TalkDelivered at BAM College, Thuruthikkad
on NAAC Accreditation)
 To make quality the defining element of
higher education in India through a
combination of self and external quality
evaluation, promotion and sustenance
Why NAAC ?
 For the Staff:
 MUST now
 Know the Credentials of Your Institute
 Scope for up gradation of skills through regular Appraisals
 Good NAAC grade attracts bright Students – knowledge level
of the institute raises
 Good grade – attracts good takings
 Good Grade – Scope for new horizons
Mission Statement 1
 To arrange for periodic assessment and
accreditation of institutions of higher

 IQAC and NAAC Cell of College

Mission Statement 2
 To stimulate the academic environment
for promotion of quality of teaching,
learning and research in HEI’s.

Mission Statement 3

 To encourage self-evaluation,
accountability, autonomy and
 Management, Faculty and Students
Mission Statement 4

 To undertake quality-related research,

consultancy and training programmes.
Mission Statement 5

 To collaborate with other stakeholders

of higher education for quality
evaluation, promotion and sustenance.
How it’s done?
 The three stages are:

 The preparation and submission of a self-study report by the

unit of assessment.
 The on-site visit of the peer team for validation of the self-
study report
 The final decision by the Executive Committee of the NAAC.
Assessment Indicators
Criteria 1 – Curricular Aspects
Total 100 Marks
Divisions Weightage
Curricular planning and 20
Academic Flexibility 30

Curriculum Enrichment 30

Feedback System 20
Criterion 1 - Grade – 3 - B
Key Aspects Weightage Grades 0 to 4 WGP
Curricular planning 20 3 60
and implementation

Academic Flexibility 30 3 90

Curriculum 30 3 90

Feedback System 20 3 60

Total 100 300

Grade=WGP/Total weightage
Criteria 2 – Teaching-learning and
Evaluation -350 marks
Student Enrolment and Profile 30

Catering to Student Diversity 50

Teaching- learning Process 100

Teacher Quality 80

Evaluation Process and Reforms 50

Student Performance and Learning 40

Criteria 3 – Research, Consultancy and
Extension -150
Promotion of research 20
Resource Mobilization for 10
Research Facilities 10

Research Publications and Awards 20

Consultancy 10

Extension Activities and 60

Institutional Social
Collaborations 20
Criteria 4 – Infrastructure and
Learning Resources -100
Physical Facilities 30

Library as a Learning Resource 20

IT Infrastructure 30

Maintenance of Campus Facilities 20

Criterion 5 - Student Support
and Progression -100
Student Mentoring and 50

Student Progression 30

Student Participation and Activities 20

Leadership and Management -
Institutional Vision and Leadership 10

Strategy Development and Deployment 10

Faculty Empowerment Strategies 30

Financial Management and Resource 20


Internal Quality Assurance System 30

Criteria 7 – Innovations and
Best Practices -100
Environment Consciousness 30

Innovations 30

Best Practices 40
 3.01 - 4.00 A Very Good
 2.01 - 3.00 B Good
 1.51 - 2.00 C Satisfactory
 < 1.50 D Unsatisfactory
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation 1
 Is there a mechanism for:

a. Self appraisal of faculty ?

b. Student assessment of faculty
c. Expert /Peer assessment of faculty
Academic Audit?
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
 Teacher: student ratio

 Teachers with NET and SLET exams

 No of the faculty served as resource persons in Workshops/

Seminars/Conferences during the last five years.
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation

 No of faculty development programmes availed of by

 Both Refresher and Orientation
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
 No. of faculty development programmes organized by the
college during the last five years
 Seminars/ workshops/symposia on curricular development,
teaching- learning, assessment, etc.
 Research management
 Invited/endowment lectures
 Any other (specify)
Student Support 1
 Mentoring
 Student facilities
 Teaching resources
 Feed back
 Benefits
 Awards
 Extra curricular openings
 Placements
 Exposures
Student Support 2
 Counselling Cell:
 Grievance Redressal Cell
 Remedial Coaching
 Clubs
 Beyond Curriculam
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation

 Sports and Games:
 Infrastructure and equipments
 Motivation for students to participate in Games & Sports
 Incentives.
 Provision of Free Lodging and Boarding to outstanding sports women.
 Concessions in Fees for outstanding players.
 Proficiency awards given to the best players of the year.

 Missing attendance – classes

 Women Cell’
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
 Certificate Courses
 Profiency of english
 Spoken English Course
 Basic computer skills
 Basic Life support
 First Aid
 Financial Planning
Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
Scholarships and Cash Awards
 Merit Scholarships
 UGC Scholarships
 Scholarships for SC’s, ST’s, BC’s
 Scholarships for physically handicapped
 Poor Students Fund for Economically backward
 Fee concession and exemption for deserving students
 Awards by benefactors & alumnae
 Financial assistance to children of ex-servicemen.
 Student Group Insurance Scheme
 Faculty and staff
Governance & Leadership
 Strength of Staff Sufficient or Not
 No of meetings of Academic and administrative bodies
 Welfare Schemes for the academic community ( for the 5
 Loans - amount
 Medical attention - Amount
 Staff Support Programmes:
 No of Professional Development programmes for non teaching
 Role of IQAC
 Governing Body
 Staff Council
 Meetings – suggestions – Implementation
Innovative Practices
 Established Internal QA mechanisms in
 Student participation in Quality
 Staff appraisal:
 Student Quality Circle :
 Grievance and Reddressal Cell ( Anti Ragging )
 Counselling Cell
 Career Guidance Cell
 Women’s Cell
Role of IQAC
 vision and mission of the institution
 Members
 Objectives
 AQAR Submission
 Seminars on Quality Enhancement
 Co-ordination teaching-learning process
 Research Culture
 Achievements of Student
 Fundings
 Infrastructure
 Role of management……..
 involvement of the leadership
 Formulation of action plans for all operations
 Procedures adopted by the institution to
monitor and evaluate policies and plans of the
Driven • IQAC plays a vital role
• Action plan

• Staff council approves it and the faculty members

Deployed deploy the policies

• Feedback, responses and suggestions from the

teaching and non-teaching staff,parents, students,
Review and alumni
• The staff council discusses and decisions are
taken with the consent of the Governing body
 Initiatives taken up by the IQAC in creating
 Academic Achievements
 MRP’s
 Constructive relationships formed
 Linkage with beneficiaries-
 Quality improvement strategies
 Future Plans
Last Minute Check List
NAAC Visit within TWO months
 Preparations started
 Form Committees and Groups

Group 1 PTA
Group 2 Governing Body
Group 3 Alumni
Group 4 Students
 Reception ( arrival – Day 0)
 Accommodation
 Travel
 Reception ( College – Day 1)
 Refreshments + Food
 Mementos
 Board Display
 Publicity and Press
 LCD – Computer – Power
 Internal beautification
 Campus beautification
 Discipline
 Smart room – other ICT enabled class rooms
 Office
 Library
 Department level
 Co-ordination
 Whatsapp Group
 Cultural programme
 College level Meetings
 Computer assistance
 Interaction Committees – Students – Faculty – PTA –
Governing Body – Alumni
 Stationary – Pen – Paper – Note pad - …..
 Department Level Presentations
 Guiding – Route
 Tour( ?)
 Exit meeting
 Feedback from students – Analysis – Report
 curriculum, campus experience, teaching, students support
 Documents –
 UGC letter of Affiliation
 University Act, Statute, Regulations and Ordinance
 UGC Regulations (chronologically)
 Government Orders (chronologically)
 GB Meetings Resolutions (chronologically)
 Audit Reports (chronologically)
 Budgets (chronologically)
 Annual Reports (chronologically)

 Prospectus (chronologically)
 Academic Calendar (chronologically)
 Master Plan
 Service Books
 Career Advancement Papers
 Leave Register
 Stock Register
 Minutes of Meetings of Statutory Bodies

 Departmental profile
 Teachers personal profile
 Academic Plan (chronologically)
 Monthly Test Schedule
 Future Plan of Action
 Wall Magazine showing the activities of the students – Association
 Departmental Budgets
 Departmental Stock Register
 PTA interactions
 Student achievements
Team Reached
 how far the students are satisfied with regular
teaching learning
 whether there are regular monthly tests
 whether the evaluated answer scripts are discussed
 whether teachers encourage interactions in and
outside the class
 whether the office is supportive
 whether the Principal is available to the students
 whether the library is supportive
 whether their children have any complain about the college

 whether classes are held regularly

 whether the teachers/college meet them frequently to

discuss the progress of the students
 whether the college today is better than what it was during
their time

 do they contribute to the development of the college by way

ofcontributing money regularly

 job market networking

 any other
Cultural Programme by students
 the college is a cohesive unit while performing the cultural

 the dynamism of the college authority

 the vibrancy of the students

 the life skills of the students

Stay and Day 2
 Department visits
Meeting the Non-Teaching Staff in the
College Office
 Whether service book is up to date?
 How the day to day accounts are maintained?
 How the cashbook and the ledger book is maintained?
 Whether the accounts are audited regularly?
 What are the major audit recommendations?
 How far the college has complied with the audit
 How the correspondence files are maintained?
 How the rules and regulations are maintained?
 How the minutes of the several statutory meetings are maintained?
 How the stock register is maintained?
 Checking Documents
 Visiting facilities
 Stay DAY 2

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