The motherboard is the central printed circuit board that contains the CPU and RAM and serves as the main component that other parts of the computer connect to. The motherboard comes in different types like AMD or Intel and different sizes like ATX. It contains various ports and slots that allow it to connect to other components like graphics cards, hard drives, optical drives, and expansion cards to expand the computer's functionality.
The motherboard is the central printed circuit board that contains the CPU and RAM and serves as the main component that other parts of the computer connect to. The motherboard comes in different types like AMD or Intel and different sizes like ATX. It contains various ports and slots that allow it to connect to other components like graphics cards, hard drives, optical drives, and expansion cards to expand the computer's functionality.
The motherboard is the central printed circuit board that contains the CPU and RAM and serves as the main component that other parts of the computer connect to. The motherboard comes in different types like AMD or Intel and different sizes like ATX. It contains various ports and slots that allow it to connect to other components like graphics cards, hard drives, optical drives, and expansion cards to expand the computer's functionality.
The motherboard is the central printed circuit board that contains the CPU and RAM and serves as the main component that other parts of the computer connect to. The motherboard comes in different types like AMD or Intel and different sizes like ATX. It contains various ports and slots that allow it to connect to other components like graphics cards, hard drives, optical drives, and expansion cards to expand the computer's functionality.
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The motherboard is the central printed
circuit board, called Motherboard because this component is a major component of the series of CPUs, so the motherboard can be interpreted in the Indonesian language is the Parent Board or the main board TYPES OF MOTHERBOARD AMD MOTHERBOARD INTEL MOTHERBOARD ATX MOTHERBOARD ASUS MOTHERBOARD VIA MOTHERBOARD 16. PCI 12. CMOS Battery Slots : This is: anTheexpansion battery is used to maintain slot where variousthe plug memory -in cardof, the CMOS socket COMPONENT OF MOTHERBOARD 14. 15. 1.3. 8. 4. BIOS Chipset Firewire 9.5. PCI ATX canchip Audio Serial be : This Processor: Itisissocket Express power ports ports ATA thatHearders 6. Fan contains installed 7. a x16 (to Soket socket computer supply an 2. permanent socket are SATAIC support )and to the which graphics usually )serves is: SATA things expansion 13. X1 RAM PCI Slot serves are where port flexible camera serves 800MBmemory already card tohas likea serves AGP: memiliki cards as ofcan motherboard often the connect the The to 10. computer connect cable to forstorage /serves many control sinstalled integrated date provider 11. such put fungsi high- to Accelerated Header Socket bequality referred high and an ,modem ,installed andso time accessories asuntuk of IDE USB the advantages the put tocomponents the external the aas of processor power speed /inVGAthe use every data , Graphics ondisk speakers simple output type a voltage the motherboard the and connector transfer ,card likeof menempatkan cards Central serial calendar transfer /including motherboard CPUs intoorder to,hardware TV drive link the Tunner ( an network motherboard from the power and streamlined external brain to the and fan Portprocessor Processing RAM cards . voltage gain. Unit setting servesto produce power of other the video ato , , etc. to settings specific the computerto this computer . . BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK