Chapter 4 - Biodiversity and Evolution 2009
Chapter 4 - Biodiversity and Evolution 2009
Chapter 4 - Biodiversity and Evolution 2009
How did humans become so powerful?
• strong opposable thumbs
• walk upright
• powerful brain – allow us to live more
1.8 million of the
earth’s 4-20 million
species diversity
genetic diversity
ecosystem diversity
functional diversity
Importance of species diversity
• species richness – number of different species
• species evenness- relative abundance of individuals w
ithin each of those species
• species diversity varies with geographic location
• species rich ecosystems are productive and
What determines the number
of species in an ecosystem
• size and degree of isolation
• larger islands have more speci
es than smaller
Theory of Island Biogeo
• number of species found on the
island determined by (a) immigr
ation rate of species to the isla
nd from other inhabited areas
• and (b) extinction rate of specie
s established on the island
Theory of Island Biogeography