Machine Learning in Genomics Medicine
Machine Learning in Genomics Medicine
Machine Learning in Genomics Medicine
Table of content
•What is machine learning ?
•What is genomic medicine ?
•Working of ML
•Categories of ML
•Heterogeneous data
•Feature selection
•Missing data
•Future scope
What is Machine Learning (ML)?
ML is an application of artificial
intelligence(AL) that provides the
system to automatically learn and
improve from experience without
being explicitly programmed.
What is Genomic Medicine?
Genomic medicine, sometimes also
known as personalized medicine, is a
way to customize medical care to
your body's unique genetic makeup.
Each of the cells in the body contains
DNA, the molecules you inherit from
your parents that determine how your
body looks and functions.
Working of ML
The process proceeds in three stages :
1. Development of an algorithm.
2. Providing a large collection of TSS & not to
be TSS sequences. The annotation indicating
these sequences is known as the label. The
algorithm processes these labeled sequences
& stores a model.
3. Unlabeled sequences are given to the
algorithm, and it uses the model to predict
labels (“TSS” or “not TSS”) for each sequence
Fig. 3 -Machine Learning
Categories of Machine Learning
•Supervised learning : Supervised learning
only makes sense when a labeled training set is
•Unsupervised learning: ML algorithm takes
as input only the unlabeled data and the desired
number of different labels to assign . The
algorithm then automatically partitions the
genome into segments and assigns a label to
each segment, with the goal of assigning the
same label to segments that have similar data.
• Semi-supervised setting: It is a mixture of
above two: the algorithm receives a collection
of data points, but only a subset of those points
have associated labels. The learning procedure
begins by constructing an initial gene finding
model based solely on the labeled subset of the
training data. Then the model is used to scan
the genome, and tentative labels are assigned
throughout the genome. These tentative labels
can then be used to improve the learned model,
and the procedure iterates until no new genes
are found.
Generative & Discriminative Models