Teaching With Dramatized Experiences
Teaching With Dramatized Experiences
Teaching With Dramatized Experiences
Something dramatic is something that is stirring
or affecting or moving. A dramatic entrance is
something that catches and holds our attention
and has an emotional impact. If our teaching is
dramatic, our students get attracted, interested
and affected. If they are affected and moved by
what we taught, we will most likely leave an
impact on them.
Dramatized experiences can range from the formal
plays, pageants, to less formal tableau, pantomime,
puppets and role playing
Do not use puppets for plays that can be done just
well or better by other dramatic means.
Puppet plays must be based on action rather than on
Keep the plays short.
Do not omit the possibilities of music and dancing as
part of the puppet show.
Adapt the puppet show to the age, background, and
tastes of the students.
Another form of dramatized experience is role-
Role-playing is an unrehearsed, unprepared and
spontaneous dramatization of a “let’s pretend”
situation where assigned participants are
absorbed by their own roles in the situation
described by the teachers.
How is role-playing done?
It can be done by describing a situation which
would create different viewpoints on an issue
and then asking the students to play the roles of
the individuals involved. Any kind of conflict
situation, real or potential, is useful for role-
playing or any situation in which real feelings are
concealed. Consider situations in school, at
home, on the playground, at work, in
government. The role-playing has to be followed
by a discussion.