Scope of Zoology

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Scope of Zoology

• Introduction
• Significance of Zoology
• Application of Zoology
• Study of Zoology is great importance to man. It has helped man to
recognize the living things and to adapt himself according to the
• The students of Zoology can learn about animals and Zoological
principles which may help them for proper maintenance of life.
• Zoologist acquires the power to evaluate the nature which is not
possible by the other means.
Basic Unit Of life

• The cell is the basic unit of life .

• All living things are composed of cells.
• Some organisms are unicellular e.g : bacteria.
• And while some are multicellular e.g : human
• Irrespective of unicellular or multicellular organisms the cells
perform similar basic functions for their survival.
Significance of Zoology
• Zoology is the aspect of science that deals with the study of the
animals' evolution, habitat and behaviour. Many students wonder
why they need to study zoology. It is a branch of science that does
not have anything to do with people so they are left wondering
why they have to learn it.
• 1. The first answer to the question, why is zoology important to us
is for humans to have an appreciation for nature. Our nature is not
just composed of the humans but of plants and animals as well.
Everything in our environment is connected in a complex cycle. If
you have a better understanding of how animals would behave and
interact with us then you would appreciate nature better. You
would feel nature should not be taken for granted.
• 2. The second answer to the question, why is zoology important to
us is for people to have a better understanding of the animals. Some
animals are usually misunderstood by people like sharks and
snakes. These creatures are thought of as human killers, and this is
mainly because we don't understand why they behave that way. In
this branch of science you would be able to learn their natural
behavior as well as their habitats so you would completely
understand why they would behave in a defensive manner when
they seem threatened. Studying zoology would help people achieve
clarity over the common myths we have on different wild animals
• 3. The third answer to the question, why is zoology important to us
is to understand the urgency of preserving the animals. Studying
this subject would help people know the real facts about animals.
One of the negative facts is the dwindling numbers of some species
of animals. It makes people realize that there is a need for nature to
be always balanced. We need animals to maintain the balance in our
environment and for humans to survive as well. This branch of
science would help us learn the needs that animals lack and we can
respond by thinking of solutions we can give to the endangered
species of animals.
• 4. The fourth answer to the question, why is zoology important to
us is for people to learn the importance of the role of humans as
caretakers of animals. Modern progress is needed for a country to
grow in terms of its economy however it should not force us to
compromise our rainforests and oceans. It reminds us that
modernization should not just be equated with tall buildings and
skyscrapers. People should realize that our modern lives should
include the lives of the animals that live with us. They should not be
contained in zoos but in their natural habitats as well. We will learn
that every living creature on earth has the right to own a habitat
and as their caretaker, we need to fight for them to have permanent
Application of Zoology:

• Food: Most of us consume considerable amounts of eggs, milk

and meat on a daily basis. Zoology helps us understand the
system of production of these food items, eventually helping us
to improve their number and quality. Armed with what zoology
has to teach us, we are at a better position to tackle the cattle.
• Appreciating nature: Zoology helps us make sense of the beautiful
nature around us. The mystery of the sheer beauty that the
untamed wild animals radiate, and their seemingly “tamed” nature
towards each is revealed once you study zoology. The magic of the
subject helps one unravel the magic of Mother Nature. Once you
know the life cycles that co-exist in nature, you’ll know what peace
is, and you’ll surely realize that animals have much higher ethics
than us.
• Understanding our roles: Humans are an important part of the
ecosystem. They’re one of the brainiest, and smartest of all species.
But we humans are also the reason to depletion of the ecosystem.
We are, in a way, destroying nature. Zoology helps us understand
the need to preserve it and helps us understand our roles as the
caretakers of Mother Nature. Since we are the dominating species
on earth, we have no right to destroy the planet. As a generation,
we have borrowed it and must return it in a good condition to our
future generations. We, as animals, are the most dangerous species.
Zoology helps us make the better of it.
• Industrial Use: Honey, wax, leather, shells, etc are an important
part of our lives. These substances are obtained from animals, and
what’s better than zoology to teach us the best way of extracting all
these from animals! Over the years, extraction of wool, silk, etc have
become much cheaper and profitable, courtesy zoology.
• Agricultural use: Zoology helps us identify the role of several
insects in crop destruction and growth. Armed with this
knowledge, farmers have a better chance of saving their crops from
destructive pests and exposing them to useful insects. Thus, an
agriculturist is hugely benefited .
• Medical: A lot of surgical information we have today are data we
have collected by dissecting other animals. Also, a lot of diseases
like swine flu and bird flu are passed on to humans through
animals. Zoology comes to our rescue here, helping us understand
animals better and counter these diseases.
• Genetic Modification and tracing roots: Zoology has given a lot of
information about our ancestors and evolution of animals and the
mankind. We are now aware of a lot of events that have occurred in
the past regarding evolution.
• Also, zoology has shown us a way towards genetic modification
which refers to the alteration of genes of an animal. We have an
insight into our betterment. We can improve our race, having
progenies with perfect features and characters at our will.
• Zoology is a vital stream of science. One may not be an expert in the
field, but possessing knowledge about the subject will always prove
to be beneficial. To study zoology is not a matter of desire, but one
of duty.

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