Leader For Success PowerPoint Templates
Leader For Success PowerPoint Templates
Leader For Success PowerPoint Templates
in National Environments
01 Distinguish political and legal environments in international
business. Understand political and legal systems.
02 Know the participants in political and legal systems
03 Identify the types of country risk produced by political systems.
Identify the types of country risk produced by legal systems.
04 Know about managing country risk
Usual for business people to make
payments to facilitate business, and
some bribes exceed U.S. $100,000,
enough to buy a small flat in Moscow
Counterfeiting is a problem
Selling of pirated software, music, and
movies. Russian police are aware of
these products but usually do not issue
fines or arrest the sellers
Country risk and a confusing legal
system are serious business
impediments in Russia
Russia’s political system remains
Risks in Russia’s volatile. (Yukos)
Organized crime is also part of the
Political and difficult landscape. (Chairman)
Legal Systems
Many direct investors hesitate to
do business in Russia. Instability
in Russia’s legal environment has
triggered much capital flight.
Ambiguous regulations,
inadequate laws, and capricious
enforcement pose important
Exposure to potential loss or
adverse effects on company
operations and profitability
caused by developments in a
country’s political and/or legal
Sometimes termed political risk
Country Risk
How Prevalent is
Country Risk?
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Political and Legal Environments
in International Business
The principal functions of a
Political system is political system are to:
a set of formal • Provide protection from
institutions that external threats.
• Ensure stability based on
constitute a laws.
government. It • Govern the allocation of
includes legislative valued resources among
the members of a society
bodies, political • Define how a society’s
parties, lobbying members interact with
groups, and trade each other.
A legal system includes
Legal system is institutions and procedures
a system for that:
• Ensure order,
interpreting and • Resolve disputes in civil
enforcing laws. and commercial
Laws, • Tax economic output.
regulations, and • Provide protections for
private property,
rules establish including intellectual
norms for property and other
company assets.
Political and legal systems are dynamic and
constantly changing. The two systems are
interdependent—changes in one affect the
other. Adverse developments in political
and legal systems give rise to country risk.
Source of
Country Risk
Political Systems
2. Limited government
The government performs essential functions that serve all citizens.
These include national defense; maintenance of law and order and diplomatic relations; and constructing and
maintaining infrastructure such as roads, schools, and public works.
State control and intervention in the economic activities of private individuals or firms is minimal. By allowing
market forces to determine economic activity, the government ensures that resources are allocated with maximal
Time, Money and Reputation.
Democracy’s Link to Economic Freedom and
Economic freedom
flourishes when
governments support
the institutions
necessary for that
freedom, such as freely
operating markets and
the rule of law
Political freedom is Economic freedom is
characterized by: related to:
• Free and fair elections, • The extent of
• The right to form political government interference
in business,
• Fair electoral laws,
• Existence of a parliament or • The strictness of the
other legislative body, regulatory environment.
• Freedom from domination • The ease with which
by the military, foreign commercial activity is
powers, or religious
carried out according to
• Self-determination for market forces.
cultural, ethnic, and
religious minorities.
Totalitarianism = command
Democracy = market
Socialism = mixed
Command Economy
Also known as centrally planned
State is the dominant Sizable bureaucracy China and Russia still exhibit
force in the production thrives, and central some characteristics of
and distribution of planning tends to be less command economies.
goods and services. However, the system is
efficient than market forces
Central planners make gradually dying out and being
in synchronizing supply
resource allocation replaced by market
decisions, and the state and demand. For example,
economies and mixed
owns major sectors of goods shortages were so economies.
the economy. common in the Soviet
Union that people often
waited in lines for hours to
buy basic necessities such
as sugar and bread.
Market Economy
Market forces—the Market economies are The task of the state is
interaction of supply closely associated to establish a legal
and demand—
determine prices in a
with capitalism, in system that protects
market economy. which the means of private property and
Government production are contractual
intervention in the privately owned and agreements. However,
marketplace is operated. Participants the government may
limited, and economic
decisions are left to
typically exhibit a also intervene to
individuals and firms. market-oriented address the
mentality and inequalities that
entrepreneurial spirit. market economies
sometimes produce.
Mixed Economy
A mixed economy exhibits
the features of both a In France, for example, the government partly owns
market economy and a dozens of companies, mainly in the transportation,
command economy. It
combines state communication, and energy industries. Peugeot and
intervention and market Renault are partially state owned. In Germany, Japan,
mechanisms for organizing
production and distribution. Norway, Singapore, and Sweden, the government
Most industries are under often works closely with business and labor groups to
private ownership, and
entrepreneurs freely determine industrial policy, regulate wage rates, and/or
establish, own, and provide subsidies to support specific industries. The
operate corporations. But
the government also past century saw a large increase in the number of
controls certain functions, mixed economies and a concurrent rise in government
such as pension programs,
labor regulation, minimum involvement in economic matters.
wage levels, and
environmental regulation.
Legal Systems
Legal systems provide a framework of rules and
norms of conduct that mandate, limit, or permit
specified relationships among people and
organizations and provide punishments for those
who violate these rules and norms.
State is the dominant Sizable bureaucracy China and Russia still exhibit
force in the production thrives, and central some characteristics of
and distribution of planning tends to be less command economies.
goods and services. However, the system is
efficient than market forces
Central planners make gradually dying out and being
in synchronizing supply
resource allocation replaced by market
decisions, and the state and demand. For example,
economies and mixed
owns major sectors of goods shortages were so economies.
the economy. common in the Soviet
Union that people often
waited in lines for hours to
buy basic necessities such
as sugar and bread.
Command Economy
Also known as centrally planned
State is the dominant Sizable bureaucracy China and Russia still exhibit
force in the production thrives, and central some characteristics of
and distribution of planning tends to be less command economies.
goods and services. However, the system is
efficient than market forces
Central planners make gradually dying out and being
in synchronizing supply
resource allocation replaced by market
decisions, and the state and demand. For example,
economies and mixed
owns major sectors of goods shortages were so economies.
the economy. common in the Soviet
Union that people often
waited in lines for hours to
buy basic necessities such
as sugar and bread.
Command Economy
Also known as centrally planned
State is the dominant Sizable bureaucracy China and Russia still exhibit
force in the production thrives, and central some characteristics of
and distribution of planning tends to be less command economies.
goods and services. However, the system is
efficient than market forces
Central planners make gradually dying out and being
in synchronizing supply
resource allocation replaced by market
decisions, and the state and demand. For example,
economies and mixed
owns major sectors of goods shortages were so economies.
the economy. common in the Soviet
Union that people often
waited in lines for hours to
buy basic necessities such
as sugar and bread.
Command Economy
Also known as centrally planned
State is the dominant Sizable bureaucracy China and Russia still exhibit
force in the production thrives, and central some characteristics of
and distribution of planning tends to be less command economies.
goods and services. However, the system is
efficient than market forces
Central planners make gradually dying out and being
in synchronizing supply
resource allocation replaced by market
decisions, and the state and demand. For example,
economies and mixed
owns major sectors of goods shortages were so economies.
the economy. common in the Soviet
Union that people often
waited in lines for hours to
buy basic necessities such
as sugar and bread.
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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your You can simply impress
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that this your audience and add a
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your audience unique zing and appeal
and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos to your Presentations. I
and Text. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to hope and I believe that
your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that
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this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change Time, Money and
colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money Reputation. You can
and Reputation. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and simply impress your
appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply audience and add a
impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to unique zing and appeal
change colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time,
to your Presentations.
Money and Reputation. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money
and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress your Easy to change colors,
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. photos and Text.
I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to
change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress your audience and add a
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