FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Preparation and Presentation
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Preparation and Presentation
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Preparation and Presentation
Quarterly (3 months):
Financial Position March 31, 2011 December 31, 2010
Income Statement:
3 months ending March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010
6 months ending June 30, 2011 June 30, 2010
Statement of Cash Flow March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010
Changes in Equity March 31, 2011 March 31, 2010
7. Comparable Information
• The FS of the current period shall be presented with
comparative figures of the FS of the immediate years.
• Comparative information shall be included for narrative
and descriptive information when it is relevant to an
understanding of the current period’s FS.
• When an entity applies an accounting policy
retrospectively or makes retrospective restatement of
items in its FS or when it reclassifies items in its FS, it
shall present 3 statement of financial position as at:
– A. the end of the current period
– B. the end of the previous period
– C. the beginning of the earliest comparative period
8. Consistency of information
• Inherent in the presentation of comparable
information is the principle of consistency. This
principle requires that “the accounting methods and
practices shall be applied on a uniform basis from
period to period.”
• However, consistency does not mean that no change in
accounting method can be made.
• If the change will result to information that is reliable
and more relevant to the users of FS , then such change
should be made but their should be full disclosure of
the change and the peso effect of the change.
Identification of FS
• FS shall be clearly identified and distinguished from
other information in the same published documents.
• Each components of the FS shall be clearly identified.
In addition, the following information shall be
prominently displayed:
– 1. the name of the reporting entity
– 2. whether the FS cover the individual or a group entities.
– 3. the end of the reporting period or the period covered by
the FS or notes.
– 4. the presentation currency
– 5. the level of rounding used in the amounts in the FS
Components of Financial Statements
• 1. Statement of Financial Position (Balance
• 2. Statement of Financial Performance
(Income Statement)\
• 3. Statement of Comprehensive Income
• 4. Statement of Changes in Equity
• 5. Statement of Cash Flows
• 6. Notes and other explanatory notes
Presentation of
Statement of Financial Position
• Presentation of Current Assets
– Usually listed in the order of liquidity.
– The line items under current assets are:
• 1. Cash and cash equivalents
• 2. Marketable securities
• 3. Trade and other receivables
• 4. Inventories
• 5. Prepaid expenses
Presentation of
Statement of Financial Position
• Presentation of Noncurrent Assets
– PAS 1 simply states that “an entity shall classify all
other assets not classified as current as noncurrent.”
– What is not included in the current assets is classified
as noncurrent assets. Accordingly, noncurrent assets
include the following:
• Property, plant and equipment
• Long-term investments
• Intangible assets
• Other noncurrent assets
• Property, plant and equipment (PPE)
– PAS 16 defines PPE as “tangible assets which are held by an
entity for use in production or supply of goods and services, for
rental to other, or for administrative purposes, and expected to
be used during more than one period.
• Long-term investment
– The International Accounting Standard Committee (IASC)
defines investment as “as asset held by an entity for the
accretion of wealth thru capital distribution, such as interest,
royalties, dividends and rentals, for capital appreciation or for
other benefits to the investing entity such as those obtained
thru trading relationships.”
• Intangible assets
– Is simply defined as “an identifiable nonmonetary assets
without physical substance.”
• Other noncurrent assets
– Other noncurrent assets are those assets that do not fit into the
definition of the previously noncurrent assets.
Presentation of
Statement of Financial Position
• Presentation of current liabilities
– Under PAS 1, as a minimum, the face of the statement
of financial position shall include the following line
items for current liabilities:
• 1. trade and other payables
• 2. current provision
• 3. Short-term borrowings
• 4. current portion of long-term debts
• 5. current tax liability
– The term “trade and other payables” is a line item for
accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses on
note payable, dividends payable, and accrued
Presentation of
Statement of Financial Position
• Presentation of noncurrent liabilities
– All liabilities not classified as current are classified
as noncurrent. Examples of noncurrent liabilities
• 1. noncurrent portion of long-term debt
• 2. finance lease liability
• 3. deferred tax liability
• 4. long-term obligation to company officers
• 5. long-term deferred revenue
Presentation of
Statement of Financial Position
• Presentation of equity
– The term “equity” is the residual interest in the assets
of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
– The term used in reporting the equity of an entity
depends on the form of business organization,
• Owner’s equity in a proprietorship
• Partners’ equity in a partnership
• Stockholders’ equity or shareholders’ equity in a corporation
• Shareholders’ Equity
– Generally, the elements constituting shareholders’
equity with their equivalent in International
Accounting Standard (IAS) term are: