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No pain, No gain

‫َو َما لَذَّة ٌ إالَّ بَ ْعدَ التَّعَب‬

[Bersakit-sakit dahulu,
bersenang-senang kemudian]
Where there is a will there is a way

‫سب ْي ُل‬
َّ ‫ض َح ال‬ َ ‫إذَا‬
َ ‫صدَقَ العَ ْز ُم َو‬

[dimana ada kemauan disitu ada jalan]

Time is money

‫ت اَثْ َم ُن م َن الذَّ ََهب‬

ُ ‫الو ْق‬

[Waktu adalah uang]

Long life education

ْ ُ‫ا‬
‫طلُب الع ْل َم م َن ال َم ْهد الَى اللَّ ْهد‬

[Tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian sampai ke liang

Let bygones be bygones

ْ ‫ض‬
‫ت‬ ‫م‬
َ َ ‫تي‬َّ ‫ال‬ ‫م‬َّ ‫ا‬‫ي‬َ
ُ ‫لَ ْن ت َ ْرج َع األ‬

[Yang berlalu biarlah berlalu]

‫ظ ت َ ُك ْن‬ْ ‫ب َوالَح‬
ْ ‫َج ِّر‬
‫عارفًا‬ َ
Practice makes
us right,
repetitions make
us perfect.
If plan A didn’t work,
the alphabet still has 25
more letters.
If you are born in a poverty, it’s
not your fault. But if you die in a
poverty, it’s being an absolute
mistake you have made
“It is difficult to say what is
impossible, for the dream of
yesterday is the hope of today
and the reality of tomorrow”
Robert Goddard
“Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a
mystery, today is a gift
of god, which is why
we call it the present”
Always do your
best, and let
God do next.
Do what you love,
love what you do.
"I hear and I
forget. I see and I
remember. I do
and I understand."
- Confucius
I once cried because I
had no shoes to play
football with my
friends, but one day I
saw a man who had
no feet, and I realized
how rich I am. –
Zinedine Zidane.

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