Formal and Informal Organizations

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Formal and Informal

Formal Organization
◦Refer to organization formed by the company
owner or manager to help the film
accomplish its goals;made of formal groups
(work group/project team /committee)
similarly formed by company authorities to
support their activities and achieve their
Informal Organizations
◦Refer to organization that exist
because of friendship and common
interest; made up of informal groups
which exist for the members need for
social affiliation.
◦Formal Organization have the following Fucntion:
1.Accomplish goals that require cooperation or
collaboration among formal groups in the organization ;
2.Produce or bring about new and creative ideas and
solutions to company problems;
3.Coordinate interdepartmental activities;
4.Implement company rules/regulation and policies; and
5.Orient or train new employees.
◦Informal organization function include the following
1.Satisfy members need for affiliation;
2.Give the individual members a chance to develop their
3.Give an individual members an opportunity to share
their ideas;
4.Lessen individual members insecurities and
5.Provide a mechanism to solve members personal and
interpersonal problems.
Advantage and Disadvantage of Formal And Informal
Advantage Disadvantage
Formal Formal
1.Working systematically. 1.Delay in feedback and action due to the
2.Established on and for the organization’s established chain of command
objectives. 2.Ignores the psychological and social needs of
3.No duplication or overlapping of work employees
4.Efficient coordination among departments 3.Emphasis on work only and overlooks the human
5.Implementation of chain of command and relations,talents,and creativity of employees
professional relationship
Informal Informal
1.Fast communication due to the absence of 1.More to susceptible to rumor mongering
standard operating procedures and protocols 2.There is no systematic workflow in place
2.Give importance to the psychological and social 3.Difficulty in implementing new rules and policies
needs of employees 4.More emphasis on the individual interest of each
3.Top manager can solicit feedback directly from the employee rather than the overall goal of the
employees on new policies and plans company

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