Temporo-Mandibular Joint. Implantology and Paradontology: Catedra de Radiologie Și Imagistică Medicală
Temporo-Mandibular Joint. Implantology and Paradontology: Catedra de Radiologie Și Imagistică Medicală
Temporo-Mandibular Joint. Implantology and Paradontology: Catedra de Radiologie Și Imagistică Medicală
Implantology and
• Temporal bone
• Mandibular condyle
• Disk
• Disk-condyle complex
• Joint capsule
ATM în normă
ATM examen radiologic
Deplasarea anterioara cu
Deplasarea anterioara fara
Deplasarea anteromediala
cu reducere
Deplasarea mediala cu
Disc biconcav in pozitie superioara cu
perforare centrala mica
Modificari degenerative cu perforare
Temporomadniblar Joint Disturbances
• Developmental disturbances
• Trauma, accidents
• Spreading inflammation
• Systemic disorders
• Neoplasia
• Occlusal dysharmony
Imaging Procedures
• Panoramic Radiograph
• Axial Cranial Radiograph
• Conventional Tomography
• Posterior-Anterior Cranial Radiograph
• Lateral Transcranial Radiograph
• Computed Tomography
• High-resolution Ultrasonography
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Panoramic Radiograph
• Drawing shows
technique of
examining TMJ region
with sonographic
transducer positioned
against patient's face
overlying zygomatic
arch and TMJ.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• right now
• axial
Two-dimensional /
Analog / Digital Three –
imaging dimensional
modalities imaging modalities
Periapical radiography
• Evaluation of small
edentulous spaces ,
Eg: in case of single
tooth replacement
• Alignment and
orientation of implants
during surgery Intraoral periapical
• Recall/maintenance radiograph displaying the
implant placed at the site
evaluations of 11, and its relation to
adjacent structures
o Amount of bone loss and peri-
implantitis can be visualized
o Subtle variations in bone activity is
clearly seen
o Minimal magnification with high
o They are easy to obtain in the dental
oThey are susceptible to
unpredictable magnification of
anatomic structures, which
does not allow reliable
measurements. o Distortion is particularly accentuated in
edentulous areas, where missing teeth and
resorption of the alveolus necessitate film
placement at significant angulation in
relation to the long axis of the teeth and
alveolar bone
›Periapical radiographs are
representations of three-
dimensional objects and do
not provide any information
of the buccal-lingual
dimension of the alveolar
ridge. Structures that are
distinctly separated in the
buccal-lingual dimension
appear to be overlapping.
• Computerised software
programs like
Dexisimplant are
available that allowing
for calibration of
magnified images ,
• Less radiation
• Superior resolution
• Instantaneous speed of image formation
is highly useful during surgical placement
of implants and the prosthetic verification
of component placement
Size and thickness of the film and position of the connecting cord
sometimes makes film placement difficult in some sites , such as those
adjacent to tori or in case of tapered arch form in the region of canines
Panoramic radiograph
o They display image slices through the jaws by
producing a single image of the maxilla and mandible
and their supporting structures in a frontal plane
• Hypocycloidal is
generally accepted as
the most effective
blurring motion
• This technique is
Transtomography / sectional
• This technique enables the appreciation of spatial
relationship between the critical structures and the implant
site and quantification of the geometry of the implant site.
o DentaScan is a computed tomography (CT) software
program that allows the mandible and maxilla to be
imaged in three planes: axial, panoramic and cross-
MercuRay by Hitachi
• Evaluation of bone
resorption and root
retention, as well as
lesions of the facial
• Parkinson disease
• tremors
• Recommended : CT
Mandibular symphysis
• Recommended: conventional CT
Maxillary sinus
• For implant placement detailed information is
needed regarding the position of septa, maxillary
sinus anatomy, sinus pathologies
No radiographic
modality till date
gives more
information on the
above mentioned
features than CT
and hence
Intraoperative imaging
• To verify the positioning and location of an osteotomy site
or for identification of a vital structure, processing of
standard radiograph film can take upto 6 minutes and
hence is time- ineffcient
• Current day digital imaging system gives instant images
that can be manipulated, and allows accurate
measurements and maintains aseptic protocol
Immediate post operative imaging
Bleeding at the
˂10% Da
No No
bone loss
Loss of periodontal
tissue in non-
periodontal patients
Healthy Gingivitis
(gum recession,
after surgical
Loss of attachment Yes Yes
Depth of sounding ≤3 mm ≤3 mm
Bleeding at the
˂10% Yes
Radiographic bone
Possible Possible
Patients with
periodontitis Inflammation of
successfully ginfiva
treated and stable
Radiographic bone
Yes Yes
Periodontitis is a chronic multifactorial disease of
inflammatory nature associated with bacterial dysbiosis
and characterized by the progressive destruction of the
tissues around the tooth.
Primary categories: periodontal tissue loss, clinically
manifested as loss of attachment and radiographic bone
loss, periodontal bags and bleeding.
The patient with periodontitis: loss of interdental
attachment that is detected in the area of 2 or more
teeth, not adjacent. Loss of oral or oral attachment of ≥3
mm with bags mm3 mm detected in the area of two or
more teeth. Loss of attachment found cannot be caused
by other causes, other than periodontitis, such as gum
trauma, cervical cavities, endodontic lesions and tooth
Key elements of the periodontal disease classification:
Degree А
Evidence or Degree В
risk of rapid
Individual stage and degree
response to
treatment and Degree С
effects on
general health
Stage IV
Stage III
Stage II Severe
Stage I Severe
The stage of periodontitis Periodontitis periodontitis
Initial with severe
of moderate with a
periodontitis tooth loss
severity tendency to
and tendency
lose teeth
to adenitis
Loss of
1-2 mm 3-4 mm ≥5 mm ≥5 mm
attachment in the
most difficult area
Distribution at Distribution at
Radiographic Coronary third Coronary third the middle the middle
bone loss (˂15%) (15-33%) third of the third of the
root root
In addition to
stage III: the
need for
associated with
In addition to secondary
the second lesion of
Maximum probe stage: occlusion
probing depth
depth ≤5 mm. Probing depth (mobility ≥2),
≤4 mm. Bone
Complexity Bone loss ≥6 mm, vertical malocclusion,
predominantly bone loss ≥3 tooth migration,
horizontal mm, class II-III prominence
forcing, severe and tremor
ridge defects formation in
less than 10
Stage IV
Stage III Severe
Stage II periodontiti
Stage I Severe
s with
The stage of periodontitis Periodontitis periodontiti
Initial severe
of moderate s with a
periodontitis tooth loss
severity tendency to
lose teeth
tendency to
Primary Direct evidence Long-term follow- 5 years evidence ˂2 mm for 5 years ≥ 2 mm for 5 years
criterion of progression up (radiographic without loss
bone loss or loss
of attachment)
Indirect proof of The percentage ˂0.25 0.25-1.0 ˃1.0
progression of bone loss
Phenotype A large number Destruction The destruction is
of dental corresponds to disproportionate to
deposits and a dental deposits a small amount of
small degree of deposits; evidence
destruction of periods of rapid
progression or
early onset of the
disease; poorly
response to