Educational Technology 2: "Integrating Technology Into Teaching and Learning"

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Educational Technology 2

“Integrating Technology into

Teaching and Learning”

1 – Review of Educational Technology 1

2 – An Overview: Educational Technology 2
3 – Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region
4 – Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in
5 – State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices
6 – IT Enters A New Learning Environment
7 – IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
8 – Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects
9 – Computer as Information and Community
10 – The Computer as a Tutor
11 – The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool
12 – Information Technology in Support of
Student-Centered Learning
13 – Cooperative Learning with the Computer
14 – The Software as an Educational Resource
15 – Understanding Hypermedia
16 – The Internet and Education
17 – Educational Technology 2 Practicum
Educational Technology 1 (ET-1)
course has truly paved way for
the learner to become aware,
appreciative and equipped to
use educational technology
tools ranging from traditional to
modern educational media.
In ET-1, the learner
was also oriented
towards the dangers
of dehumanization
which technology
brings into society.
Educational Technology 1 served:
• To orient the learner to the pervasiveness of
educational technology
• To lend familiarization on how educational
technology can be utilized as the media for
the avenues teaching-learning process in the
• To uplift the learner to human learning through
the use of technology
• To impart skills in planning, designing, using
and evaluating the technology-enriched
teaching learning process
• To acquaint learners on basic aspects of
community education, functions of the school
media center

• To introduce the learner to what is recognized

as the third revolution in education…
Educational Technology 2:
 Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning
 Introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and
extending the knowledge & skills to learners so
that they can become exemplary users of
educational technology
 Involve deeper understanding of the computer as
well as hands-on application of computer skills
 Infuse technology in the student-teachers training
helping them to adapt and meet rapid and
continuing technological changes
Educational Technology 2 objectives:
• To provide education in the use of technology
in instruction by providing knowledge and skills
on technology integration-in-instruction to
• To impart learning experiences in instructional
technology-supported instructional planning
• To acquaint students on Information
Technology or IT-related learning theories with
the computer as a tutor
• To learn to use and evaluate computer-based
educational resources
• To engage learners on practical technology
integration issues including managing IT
classrooms, use of the Internet for learning,
cooperative learning through the use of
information technology
• To inculcate higher-level thinking and
creativity among students while providing them
knowledge of IT-related learning theories
Progressive countries in the Asia Pacific
Region have formulated state policies and
strategies to infuse technology in schools to
provide confidence to educators that they are
taking the right steps in adopting technology in
Five progressive states/city imposing ICT
policies and strategies in schools, namely New
Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and
Hong Kong.
Government with the education and
technology sectors, community groups, and
industry envisions to support to the
development of the capability of schools to use
information and communication technologies in
teaching-and-learning and in administration.
• Improving learning outcomes for students
using ICT to support curriculum
• Using ICT to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of educational administration
• Developing partnerships with communities to
enhance access to learning through ICT
Focus areas
• Infrastructure for increasing schools’ access to
ICTs to enhance education
• Professional development so that school
managers and teachers can increase their
capacity to use ICT
• An on-line resource center with centrally
managed website for the delivery of multi-
media resources to schools
• A computer recycling scheme
• A planning and implementation guide for
• ICT professional development school/clusters
Planning, funding and implementation strategies:
• Fast local and wide area networks linking
schools across the state and territory
• Substantial number of computers in schools,
ensuring adequate access
• Continuing teacher training in the use of
technology for instruction
• Technical support to each school
• Sufficient hardware and software
• Digital library resources
• Technology demonstrations as models for
Teaching-and-Learning includes:
• Classroom with multi-media, presentation
facilities, e-mail and groupware for
collaborative work
• Library media center with database for
multimedia courseware and network access to
the internet
• Computer laboratory for teaching, readily
accessible multimedia and audiovisual
• Multimedia development center
• Studio / theatre with control room
• Teachers’ room with on-lie access to
courseware catalogues and databases,
information and resource management
systems and professional networking tools,
such as e-mail and groupware
• Server room
• Administration offices capable of accessing
the network
Curriculum and assessment
• A balance between acquisition of factual
knowledge and mastery concepts and skills
• Students in more active and independent
• Assessment to measure abilities in applying
information and communicating
Learning resources
• Development of a wide range of educational
software for instruction
• Use relevant internet resources for teaching-
• Convenient and timely procurement of
software materials
Teacher development
• Training on purposeful use of IT for teaching
• Equipping each trainee teacher with core skills
in teaching with IT
• Tie-ups with institutions for higher learning
and industry partners
Physical and technological infrastructure
• Pupil computer ratio 2:1
• Access to IT in all learning areas in the school
• School wide network and school linkages
through wide area network (WAN), eventually
connected to Singapore ONE
IT initiatives
• 40 computers for each primary schools and 82
computers for each secondary schools
• About 85,000 IT training places for teachers at
four levels
• Technical support for all schools
• Information Education Resource Center
• IT coordinator for each of 250 schools
• Computer rooms for the use of students after
normal school hours
• An IT Pilot Scheme
• Review of school curriculum to incorporate IT
• Development of appropriate software in
collaboration with government, the private
sector, tertiary institutions and schools
• Exploring feasibility of setting up an education-
specific Intranet
External manifestations of technology integration
Into instruction:
• There’s a change in the way classes are
traditionally conducted
• The quality of instruction is improve to higher
• There is planning by the teacher on the
process of determining how and when
technology fits into the teaching-learning
• The teacher sets instructional strategies to
address specific instructional issues/problems
• The use of technology provides the opening of
opportunities to respond to these
• Technology occupies a position in the
instructional process

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