Name: Aliffasyach Syarif S Major: Chemical Engineering Class: R1 Attendance List Number: 3 NIM: 21118010
Name: Aliffasyach Syarif S Major: Chemical Engineering Class: R1 Attendance List Number: 3 NIM: 21118010
Name: Aliffasyach Syarif S Major: Chemical Engineering Class: R1 Attendance List Number: 3 NIM: 21118010
To tell us about the words that’s connected with chemical Engineering like
chemical process, chemical formula, chemical analysis, problem solve,
caution etc.
Example for vobab :
1. Temperature : Suhu 6. Time : waktu
2. Pressure : Tekanan 7. Engine : mesin
3. Density : Massa Jenis 8. Gases : Gas
4. Energy : Energi 9. Solids : Padat
5. Volume : Volume 10. Fluids : Cair
6. Mass : Massa 11. particles : Partikel
Example for Conversation :
A : Don’t let the temperatures more than 30° or our product will be failed
B : Alright Sir
A : And always check the pressures, make sure it’s always stable and use
your safety if you want to take a sample. Acid is corrosive
2. Reading of Chemical text
To tells and known us about Chemical engineering more like basic teory, the
chemical formula, the chemical process, chemical, chemical physic, etc. And
chemistry concerned with the composition, structure,and properties of matter.
example for chemical text :
1. Basic chemical : Stoikiometri, atom structure, redoks reaction,
Chemical Equilibrum, Electrochemistry, Solubility Product
Constants, chemical properties of colligatives etc
2. Chemical Physic: Properties of gases, Physical transformation, simple mixture
Phase diagram, chemical equilibrum etc
3. Chemical analysis : Precision and accuracy, kation and anion, Gravimetry
analysis, volumetry analysis, elektrolisis, Spektrofotometri
AAS and EAS, IR, Kromatografy Etc.
Example conversation :
A : Hey do you read atom structrure?
B : oh of course that’s our learning lesson, we can about about the atom,
and proton, elektron, neutron, and scientist that found the atom
A : Yeah basically, and i want to know more acid and base, about
types, function, formulas and it’s danger for us and for environment
B : i want too but later, we got more assignment about structure atom
3. Caution
To tells and known us about warning, notice and attention or the act of
expressing care because of potensial risk and danger.
Example for caution for chemical :
Example for conversation :
A : Hey you look that Radioactive material caution sign, be carefull and use
your safety
B : oh thank you, i am not focus
A : You must focus and known about the caution sign, look another caution
sign like it’s flamable, corrosive, explosive, and etc you must know the
type of sign and characteristic.
4. Numerical adjective
Adjectives are those words which describe nouns or pronouns. Numeral Adjectives also
known as Adjectives of numbers are one among seven types of Adjectives. Numeral
Adjectives are those adjectives which are used to denote the number of nouns or the
order in which they stand. They are also commonly called Adjectives of Number.
In simpler terms we can say that Adjective of numbers tell us the number of people or
things and maintain clarity by giving exact information.
Numeral Adjectives can be divided into three types. They are:
a. Definite numeral adjectives
b. Indefinite numeral adjective
c. Distributive numeral adjectives
a. Definite numerical adjectives
Definite Numeral Adjectives are the set of cardinal and ordinal numbers. The
word definite itself tells us that these adjectives tell us the exact number of people
or things. Definite Numeral Adjectives are:
Cardinal Number Ordinal Number
one first
two second
three third
four fourth
five fifth
six Sixth
• Michelle is the second girl in our class
• There are eight oranges in the bowl.
• He is going two sell his two cars.
b. Indefinite Numerical adjective
To tell the time means to say what the time is, perhaps after somebody asks
the time or to tell the present times, past times, activity times, schedule
Asking the time
Here are some phrases you can use when you want to know the time:
• What's the time?
• What time is it?
• Have you got the right time?
• What time do you make it?
How to tell the times :
• o'clock = :00 ( 7:00 = seven o'clock )
• a quarter after = 15 minutes after the hour ( 3:15 = It's a quarter after three.)
• a quarter past = 15 minutes after the hour (3:15 = It's a quarter past three.)
• a quarter before = 15 minutes before the hour( 3:45 = It's a quarter before four )
• a quarter to = 15 minutes before the hour (3:45 = It's a quarter to four.)
• half past = 30 minutes after the hour ( 11:30 = It's half past eleven)
• thirty = 30 minutes after the hour. (11:30 = It's eleven thirty.)
Example conversation :
A : What time is it?
B : emm Half past three
6. Date