Customer Selection Framework

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Kshama Shah QA-14

Keerthi Reddy QA-13
Shreya Bhide QA-02
Ruchika NagulaQA-09
Aishwarya Mane- QA-08
Doctor’s Visit List
Customer Segmentation
Categorization of Doctors
Doctor Visit Frequency
Product Presentation
Number of Visits per Customer
“It does not matter whether you are a
lion or gazelle…
When the sun comes up you’d better be
Market is no different than the African
Competitors are waiting to grab the
RCPA : Retail
• RCPA is information obtained from retailer
Analysis about doctors prescriptions and movement of
products. It is also called retail Audit
• RCPA is one of the handy practices that help the
companies to stay ahead in competition.
Always wait for your Always check racks for
Do not disturb chemist turn stand in one side first hand information
of the counter regarding competitor’s

Things to keep
in mind during Ask how many keep your RCPA start with wishing
RCPA by strips/bottles/week workbook ready chemist by his name

ask for 2-3 competitor
ask for any other doctor products and quantify
is giving rx’s in that area the same capture it in
your book
Determine the
secondary sales
trend for your

of retail audit Prescribing habit

/ survey
know the
potential of
the doctor /
market. So that
you can plan.
Utilisation of Retail Audit information
Determine who are your competitors

Determine the competitor’s margin

Which doctor is prescribing which brand? In what quantity?

you know the preferences of the doctor

Plan for the promotional strategy

5 Check points of Pharmaceutical selling

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Identification Ensuring repeat Detailing and Demanding Ensuring free

and visits at regular discussing right rightful and regular
Quantification intervals product prescription availability of
share products at
Visit List
Doctor’s Visit List
These division among doctor is made depending upon :
• Type of sales each doctor gives
• Number of times the representative needs to visit

 Doctor list finalization.

 Each doctor is assigned with a code.
 Preparation of the daily reports, using relevant code
number assigned to each doctor
 Filling all the columns of the Doctor list on regular basis
10 Doctors will be 30 Doctors will be
treated as Super treated as VVIP
Core Doctors and Doctors and will
will be visited 4 be visited twice a
times a month, month

140 Doctors will be

treated as VIP doctors and
will be visited once a
• DVL is a dynamic document.

• Continuously optimizing its usefulness.

• List the doctors Category-wise and Market location wise.

• A minimum daily call average of ten (10) Doctors and five (5) Chemists have to
be maintained.

• Calls to the Stockist/Distributor will not be counted as chemist calls.


01 02 03 04
To keep manage IS contains various So that both the H. O Thus these formats are
territory keep a tract systematic and and the field staff can very important links
on daily activity, sales scientific formats which work smoothly between the field
market feedback the can give all the required people and the H.O
company has develop information form the
the information System field to H.O
The important Information System

ii. Master
Call List
(MCL) or iv. Standard
Important tour v. Monthly
vi. Stock and
i. Daily call Call List iii. Expense program, sales vii. Standard
report - DCR (ICL)- Statements Tour Report Analysis Fare Chart
Doctors, and fare report
institution, chart
and stockist
Customer Segmentation
i.e. Doctor’s Segmentation
Why is the customer segmentation
Segmentation The customers for
pharmaceuticals Business
of Customers are:-
1. Doctors
2. Chemist
3. Stockist
4. C & F agent
5. Patients and general
Importance of area selection in pharma industry? Public for OTC products
As our prime customer are ‘’Doctors’’. We have to choose
them according to their potentiality pertaining to our product
range & specialty.
• Super Core – 10 Doctors on Doctor visit list
• VVIP doctors– 30 Doctors on Doctor visit
• VIP doctors – 140 Doctors on Doctors visit list

Call timings
FOR Product potentiality
Prescribing Habit
Retailer/Stockiest coverage
Categorizing according to
Therapeutic Segments
• 10 Doctors treated as Super Core Doctors
and will be visited 4 times a month

Doctor Visit • 30 Doctors treated as VVIP Doctors and will

be visited twice a month and the rest
• 140 Doctors treated as VIP doctors and will
be visited once a month.
Product Presentation
Detailing story highlights.

The relevant points.

The unique selling points.

Scientific information, quality

of product and the
manufacturing technique
9 Steps of Effective

Handling of Visual Aid
Use of Pointer
Eye to Eye Contact
Body Language
Time Management
Product Presentation-
Vital 3 Minutes
• Waste no time
Vital 3 • Avoid serious mistakes
• Discuss the right product
Minutes with right customer, with
right implication &
• Handle objection
• Be confident
• monotonous
Division of 3 min

• Greet the doctor

• Give a small 15 seconds
introduction on company.
• Listen to the doctor and use the
• Once you have understood the
requirement, use the DAPA
Method of Selling
• In case the doctor has a doubt,
then concentrate and resolve
that before moving ahead
“Remember you must Radiate
sunshine , cheerfulness, confidence
and conviction in the clinic”
We carried out surveys of
doctors, medical
1. How much time do you allocate to each
MR & overall tm?
2. What kind of information do you expect
from them?
Survey 3. At a time how many drug details could
Questions you entertain?
4. What questions do you ask them?
Of Doctor’s 5. To how many MR's would you like to listen
in a day?
6. What are the ways or visual aids do they
7. Do you expect any free samples? What
else you think they should offer you?
1. How much time do you allocate to each MR & overall tm?
NMT 2-5mins per MR & days are fixed for MR visits
2. What kind of information do you expect from them?
Something new information at every call. The price, quality and type
of formulation

Survey 3. At a time how many product details could you entertain?

Depends on time. If gift samples given, some doctors listen more
Answers 4. What questions do you ask them?

Of Doctor’s
In 2-5mins how much ever is possible. Why should he write your
product? What is the price of the drug?
5. To how many MR's would you like to listen in a day?
Survey carried out for General NMT 6 MRs a day
Physicians 6. What are the ways or visual aids do they use?
Visual aids like tab presentation, flipbook, animation
7. Do you expect any free samples? What else you think they
should offer you?
Free samples are usually entertained
1. How do you segregate the doctors?
2. How many Dr. & chemist do you entertain /talk in a
day? What are your general targets?
3. How many times do you visit the same Dr. In a
4. How do you evaluate the monthly sales of a particular
Survey product from chemist?

Questions 5. How many Dr. (number) do you include in your visit


Of Medical 6. How do you record information obtained from Dr.?

Can you give me any format or document showing
Representatives 7. What all information do you record from Dr.?
8. Which mediums/ visual aids do you use to coincidence
Information gathered the Dr. Can you provide us samples?
from 9. How many samples/ gift do you carry for giving Dr.?
GSK, Danone, Abott
10. Weather you are allocated a particular area/
particular segment?
11. How many products do you explain to a Dr. At a
time? How much time do you spend behind each
product? How do you decide that?
1. How do you segregate the doctors?
Mostly as Supercore and Core. Also some maintain a MUST SEE LIST which
helps to divide the doctors in groups like surgeons, gynac, anaesthesiologist,
GPs, dermats, etc
2. How many Dr. & chemist do you entertain /talk in a day? What are
your general targets?
Survey 11 doctors per day, 9 chemist as per call average target given by the company.

General target is to convince the doctor on our product and demand for
prescriptions and ask chemist to make the product available.

Of Medical 3. How many times do you visit the same Dr. In a month?
Class A(10/100)- 3 times in a month
Representatives Class B(80/100)- 2 times in a month
Class C (10/100)- 1 time in a month
4. How do you evaluate the monthly sales of a particular product from
Product wise sales are checked monthly from chemist and stockist by
calculating the total number of order placed
5. How many Dr. (number) do you include in your visit list?
180 doctors
6. How do you record information obtained from Dr.? Can you give me
any format or document showing records?
Information is recorded either in diary or excel format. Also some record in the
7. What all information do you record from Dr.?

Survey The information regarding the product efficacy. When is the right time to visit
him, which molecule does he prefer in particular disease, what type of patients
Answers does he see
8. Which mediums/ visual aids do you use to convience the Dr. Can you
Of Medical provide us samples?
Visual aids are shown, or else presentation slides regarding the product
Representatives information. Also samples are provided. Some organizations do not accept gifts
9. How many samples/ gift do you carry for giving Dr.?
2-3 gifts and 20 units of samples
10. How many products do you explain to a Dr. At a time? How much
time do you spend behind each product? How do you decide that?
3 products and about 2-3 mins. Products are decided based on the speciality of
doctors and the strategy given. Some MRs detail 1 product at a time and only
highlight other ranges on the basis of doctor potential.
• How many times MR visits you?
• What questions do they generally ask u?
Survey • How does he treats u?
• What kind of gifts/ free samples/ offers are
Questions given ?
Of Chemist • Do Mr asks questions Product specific or
Brand /Company specific?
• Do they ask questions more about
competitor brand or their own brand?
• At what duration do you renew your stock?
1. How many times MR visits you?
10 times
2. What questions do they generally ask you?
Questions regarding the sale of product, response of public as
well as response of doctor towards their product and availability
of their product
Survey 3. How does he treats you?

They call in a respectable manner by calling Sir
4. What kind of gifts/ free samples/ offers are given ?

Of Chemist Rarely gifts are given. Also sometimes they show details of the
5. Do Mr asks questions Product specific or Brand
/Company specific?
6.Do they ask questions more about competitor brand or
their own brand?
7. At what duration do you renew your stock?
It depends upon demand May be monthly or weekly

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