Organizing Strategic Marketing Plan

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Organizing Strategic Marketing Plan

Organizational Marketing Planning Process

Analyze Organization Analyze External Environment

Mission Culture Strengths Publics to be Competition Social, Political,

Objectives & served Technical,
Goals Weakness Economic,

Plan Portfolio
Set marketing Mission, Objectives
& Goals

Set core Marketing Strategy

• Target Market
•Competitive Position
•Marketing Mix

Design organization & system Set Specific Tactics Determine Performance Benchmark


Access Performance
Business Mission
Underscores the scope of an organization’s operations apparent in its
business definition.

Reflects management’s vision of what the organization .seeks to do

Most statements describe:

the organization’s purpose

customers, products/services, markets, philosophy, and


Mission Statement

 Mission statement – In developing a mission statement,

management must take into account
 Organization’s history
 Organization’s distinctive competitiveness
 Organization’s environment
 Mission statement should be
 Focused on markets rather than products
 Achievable
 Motivational
 Specific

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Business Goals
Goals or objectives convert the organization’s mission into
tangible actions and results that are to be achieved, often within
a specified time frame.

Three major categories of goals:

1. Production

2. Financial

3. Marketing

Production Goals
Apply to the use of manufacturing
and service capacity and to product
and service quality.

Financial Goals
Focus on return on investment,
return on sales, profit, cash flow,
and shareholder wealth.

Marketing Goals
market share
marketing productivity
sales volume
customer satisfaction
customer value creation
The Corporate Portfolio

 Many companies offer more than one product, and serve

more than one customer.
 Range of products in market (Basket of product).

Portfolio Analysis
 The key strategy is to produce balanced portfolio of
products – (Low risk, dull growth) or (high risk, great
Objective of Portfolio Analysis

 To analyze current business portfolio & decide which business

should receive more or less investment.
 To develop growth strategies for adding new business to
 To decide which business should no longer be retained.

 Example : BCG Matrix

Set Marketing Goals

Market share
Marketing productivity
Sales volume
Customer satisfaction
Customer value creation
Customer value creation

 Value to a customer refers to the difference between the benefits he drives

from a product or service and the cost of acquiring that product.
Value creation involves :
 Value chain analysis.
 Relationship Marketing.
Value chain analysis.
The Generic Value Chain
Support Activities

Firm’s Infrastructure
Human Resource Management
Technology Development


Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing Margins

Logistic Logistic & Sales

Primary Activities

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