Unit-I Profit Ion
Unit-I Profit Ion
Unit-I Profit Ion
2. Monopoly Profits
3. Windfall Profits
To sustain/survival
To run business( cover cost & run)
To grow/expansion
To develop R&D
To earn reliability of Investors/Lenders
Profit Maximisation
• Conventional theory of firm assumes profit
maximisation as the sole objective of
business firm.
• A profit-maximizing firm chooses both its
inputs and its outputs with the sole goal of
achieving maximum economic profits
dTR/dX = dTC/dX
Where, dTR/dX is the slope of TR or MR
And dTC/dX is the slope of TC or MC
Hence, MR = MC
Q1 Q2 Q3
Quantity of Goods/Output
Second Order/Sufficient Condition
This condition must be satisfied under
decreasing MR & increasing MC or MC
curve must cuts MR curve from below.
This makes the sufficient condition.
The second order derivative of the profit
function is negative.
d2π /dX2 = d2(TR)/dX2 – d2(TC)/dx2 < 0
Q1 Q2
Quantity of Goods/Output
Profit Maximisation
Quantity TR TC Profit MR MC Change in
(Q) (TR-TC) (ΔTR/ΔQ) (ΔTC/ΔQ) Profit (MR-MC)
0 0 3 -3 - - -
1 6 6 0 6 3 3
2 12 8 4 6 2 4
3 18 12 6 6 4 2
4 24 17 7 6 5 1
5 30 23 7 6 6 0
6 36 30 6 6 7 -1
7 42 40 2 6 10 -4
8 48 51 -3 6 11 -5
Revenue & Cost (Rs)
Profit ATC
Quantity of Goods/Output
Critique of Profit Maximisation
• As per the traditional economics, it is rational
behaviour of the owner, that he can maximise
his income by putting given amount of effort.
• The survival of the firm depends upon the
entrepreneur's ability to maximise profit in long
• Firm may pursue goals other than profit
maximisation,but they can achieve these
subsidiary goals much easier if they aim for
profit maximisation.
Criticism of the theory
• The assumptions of profit maximisation is unrealistic in
the real world.
• The assumption of firms are owner-managed is not valid
in the modern world.
• Business decisions may not be optimal due to absence
of information.
• Modern business firm divides itself into different depts,
so functions of each dept may not fit the other.
• In the modern oligopolistic market condition the small
firms can not pursue the objective profit maximisation.
• Lack of predictive power of and risk averse qualities of
manager results in less than max profit.
• Profit is intensely personal,
• Necessary and moral.
• Understand it.
• Pursue it.
• Make it.
• Enjoy it.
• Apologize to no one.