II. Captains An Master To 4. Rights
II. Captains An Master To 4. Rights
II. Captains An Master To 4. Rights
• Section A-VI/1
• Mandatory minimum requirements for safety familiarization, basic
training and instruction for all seafarers
1978 STCW Convention (with 2010 Manila
Amendments), Annex, Chapter VI
• Safety familiarization training
1. Before being assigned to shipboard duties, all persons employed or
engaged on a seagoing ship, other than passengers, shall receive
approved familiarization training in personal survival techniques or
receive sufficient information and instruction, taking account of the
guidance given in part B, to be able to:
1978 STCW Convention (with 2010 Manila
Amendments), Annex, Chapter VI
.1 communicate with other persons on board on elementary safety matters and
understand safety information symbols, signs and alarm signals;
.2 know what to do if:
.2.1 a person falls overboard,
.2.2 fire or smoke is detected, or
.2.3 the fire or abandon ship alarm is sounded;
.3 identify muster and embarkation stations and emergency escape routes;
.4 locate and don lifejackets;
.5 raise the alarm and have basic knowledge of the use of portable fire extinguishers;
.6 take immediate action upon encountering an accident or other medical emergency
before seeking further medical assistance on board; and
.7 close and open the fire, weathertight and watertight doors fitted in the particular
ship other than those for hull openings.
1978 STCW Convention (with 2010 Manila
Amendments), Annex, Chapter VI
• Basic training*
2. Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board ship on the
business of that ship as part of the ship’s complement with designated
safety or pollution-prevention duties in the operation of the ship shall,
before being assigned to any shipboard duties:
1978 STCW Convention (with 2010 Manila
Amendments), Annex, Chapter VI
.1 receive appropriate approved basic training or instruction in:
.1.1 personal survival techniques as set out in table A-VI/1-1,
.1.2 fire prevention and fire fighting as set out in table A-VI/1-2,
.1.3 elementary first aid as set out in table A-VI/1-3, and
.1.4 personal safety and social responsibilities as set out in table A-VI/1-4;
.2 be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of
competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column
1 of tables A-VI/1-1, A-VI/1-2, A-VI/1-3 and A-VI/1-4 through:
.2.1 demonstration of competence, in accordance with the methods and the criteria for
evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of those tables, and
.2.2 examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training programme in
the subjects listed in column 2 of those tables.
1978 STCW Convention (with 2010 Manila
Amendments), Annex, Chapter VI
3. Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 2 in basic training
shall be required, every five years, to provide evidence of having
maintained the required standard of competence, to undertake the
tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of tables A-VI/1-1
and A-VI/1-2.