Air Quality Modelling
Air Quality Modelling
Air Quality Modelling
Presented by
Dept. of Mining Engineering
NIT Rourkela
Lagrangian Model:
• Lagrangian model is based on the phenomena that pollutant-air parcel moving
along the trajectories determined by the wind field, the buoyancy and the
turbulence effects.
• Lagrangian model uses ordinary differential equations and partial differential
equations to calculate these trajectories.
• The Lagrangian parcel trajectory model follows standard assumptions
employed by classical puff dispersion models.
• For a pollution puff initially released at a point and diffusing in an environment
of spatially constant winds and diffusivities, limited vertically by the surface
(z = 0) and planetary boundary layer top, the concentration around the puffed
center are analytically calculated using the equation:
The center of the puff, located at xc and yc is calculated following a trajectory,
zc is the puff emission height (500 m),
𝜎𝑦 and 𝜎𝑧 are the horizontal and vertical dispersion of pollutant mass around
the puff center.
Eulerian Model:
Eulerian Model is similar to Lagrangian model but the only difference is
Eulerian model uses fixed 3D Cartesian grid as a frame of reference rather than a
moving frame of reference. The 3D advection-diffusion equation forward in time
(t) on a Cartesian grid is given by:
• Gaussian plume model was developed for the purpose of understanding of the
diffusion properties of plumes emitted from industrial stacks.
• This model is applied to calculate the maximum ground level impact of plumes
and the distance of maximum impact from the source.
• Experimentally it is described by plotting standard deviation of its concentration
distribution in both the vertical and horizontal direction as a function of the
atmospheric stability and downwind distance from the source.
• The origin of Gaussian Plume Model (GPM) was found in work by Sir Oliver
Graham Sutton (1932). The GPM is an analytical solution of three dimensional
advective diffusion equation.
To obtain the GPM, the following assumptions are made:
• The solution is time invariant.
• The wind speed is not a function of position.
• The diffusivities are not the functions of position.
• Diffusion in the downwind direction is insignificant compared with the mean
flow i.e. advection dominates over diffusion.
• The terrain is relatively flat, open country.
• Background pollution is negligible.
• Steady state conditions.
• The material diffused is a stable gas or aerosol, with a negligible deposition
The concentration, C, of a gas or aerosols ( of particle size less than 20
microns) at x, y, z from a continuous source with an effective stack height ‘H’ as
given by GPM is :
x, y, z are the coordinates of any point in space with origin at the point of
C(x, y, z; H) is the concentration at a point x, y, z from an effective source
height of H,
Q is the uniform emission rate of pollutants in kg/s, g/s, m3/s,
𝜎𝑦 and 𝜎𝑧 are the standard deviations of plume concentrations in
horizontal and vertical directions respectively in meters,
U is the mean wind speed affecting the plume in m/s,
H is the effective height of release, i.e. physical stack height + plume rise
Gaussian Air Pollution Plume Dispersion Model
Pasquill Atmospheric stability class is commonly used method developed by Pasquill in 1961
of categorizing the amount of atmospheric turbulence and is as given:
The meteorological conditions that define Pasquill Stability Class are as follows:
• Gaussian Plume Models are applicable for a downwind distance x > 100 m
because near the source concentration approaches infinity.
• From the Gaussian dispersion equation, 𝜎 is the dispersion coefficient which
defines the plume dispersion. By plotting the standard deviation of its
concentration distribution, the normal distribution assumed to be 67% of the
pollutant within ±𝜎 of the centerline of the plume.
• The value of 𝜎 is determined by the magnitude of the turbulences in the
• Unstable atmosphere defines larger eddies and larger values of 𝜎 and stable
atmosphere defines smaller eddies and smaller values of 𝜎.
Effects of Meteorology on Plume Dispersion:
Thermal Boundary
Layer (TBL)
• Dispersion of emission into atmosphere depends on various meteorological
• Height of thermal boundary layer is one of the important factors responsible for
high ground level concentrations.