Environment Analysis

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Members of Group I :

Wice Marsella
Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung
Mita Puspitasari

Chapter II

Analysis Lecturer : Dr. Alamsyah Harahap, M.Lib
An example of

Understanding The Constraint

The Constraint of Time

Step In
 The important part of curriculum design
 Situation analysis or constrains analysis
 There are 3 main factors :
1. learner
2. Teacher
3. Situation
• An example of Environment Analysis
The importance on the
special second language
maintanace class :
 Limited time
 Decreasing interest in learning
 Tend to use their local
language because it is easier
 Various level of english The constraints
 The time of learning is the could have effect the
same as native speaker
curriculumm design
 Parents should understand
about english
 Fun activities
 Some activities should carry
over to the next class
 Teacher centered
 Meaning focused activities
•Environment Constraint


 To help sort out the few will be given most attention

The Learner

General constraint

Effect on Curriculum Design

Particular constraint
• How old are they? • Are the learners • Take account of
interested in all learners’ interests
kinds of topics? • Use appropriate
• Can the learners do activities
all kinds of learning

• Do they share a • Use teacher-centred

• What do they (first) language?
know? activities
• Can their first • Use some
language be used to translation Use first
help learning? What language
previous learning prereading
have they done? activities Use
reading input
• Are they interested
• Do they have in english • Use highly
preferred ways of • Do they have to motivatin activities
learning? learn english • Include relevant
The Teacher

General constraint

Effect on Curriculum Design

Particular constraint
• Are they trained? • Can they prepare • Provide ready-
some of their own made activities
material ?
• Use group
• Can they handle
grroup work or work activities
learning ?

• Are they confident • Can they provide

in their use of good models ? • Providd taped
english ?
• Can they produce
their own spoken • Provide a
or written material complete set
of course

• Do they have time • Can the course • Provide

for preparation include homework
marking ? homework
• Can the course
include work which • Provide
has to be marked answer key
The situation

General constraint

Effect on Curriculum Design

Particular constraint
• Is there a suitable • Can the • Use group work
room ? arrangement of the activities
desks be changed • Use material that
for group work? does not require
• Is the blackboard the students to
big enough and have a course book
easily seen?
• Can the learners • Set staged goals
• Is there enough reach the goals in
time ? • Provide plenty of
the available time? material
• Is the course • Set limited goals
• Can the learners
give all their time to
the course?

• Do learners meet • Provide contact

• Is it worth
English outside with a large amount
developing the
class? of English in class
Put time into
• Will the course be
preparing the
run several times?
•Understanding the constraint

• Examining the nature of curriculum

• Examining the previous research, Such as : teaching in a
large class, group work, teacher centered, and
2 individualization

Major constraints investigated by research and theory :

 Time available
 Cultural background
 The effect of first language on laguage learnning and special purposes
•The Constraint of Time
1 Local information from the environment
• How much the time available
• How much time out of class could be given to learning
• What the goals of the course are

2 The research infomation

• Reveal what could be achieved within certain time period
Example : estimation of the time taken to reach various level of proficiency for learner in
particular language

The effect of the time constraint on the design of the

3 course

•Two ways ....

Two ways ....

Working within the constrain

Overcoming the constrain

•Step in environment analysis

Brainstrom about the factor

Choose the most important factor

Search information

Consider about the factor

Repeat step one to four

Xie xie Thank You

Tack så mycket


khwap khun khrap

Matur Nuwun Gracias


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