Project Management BBA 5th Sem
Project Management BBA 5th Sem
Project Management BBA 5th Sem
BBA Sem-5
The ability to deliver projects on schedule, on budget, and aligned with business
goals is key to gaining an edge in today’s highly competitive global business
environment. This is where project managers come in. Project managers have an
incredibly complex assignment, one that blends organizational skills, an analytical
mind, and adept interpersonal abilities.
What is a ‘project’?
• The Project Management Body of Knowledge defines a “project” as “a temporary
endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.”
The word “temporary” means projects must have a defined beginning and end. This
means every project must include a timeline, scope and resources. The fact that it is
temporary with a beginning and an end also means that it is not part of ongoing
operations. This brings us to the second point...
The purpose of a project must be “to create a unique product, service, or result.” This
means a project will be started in order to accomplish a specific goal that is typically
outside the realm of the typical day-to-day business operation; meaning to say the
project team might include people who don’t usually work together, and require
resources that are typically outside the scope of day-to-day operations.
Features of a Project
• Start and finish
• Life cycle
• Budget
• Unique
• Resources
• Fast tracking
• Team roles
Examples of projects:
• Career development (education and training courses)
• The importance and acceptance of the trend towards management-by-projects was endorsed
by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) Project Management Conference
in Vienna (1990) which adopted management-by-projects as its theme.
Intersecting Management Skills
There is usually a certain amount of overlap between project management,
general management and technical management which can be simply presented
as intersecting circles.
Project Management Associations
• Body of knowledge
• APM bok
Benefits of Project Management
• Client • Report Interfaces
• Estimating • Trends