Limit Test of Arsenic and Lead: - Tashi (91901263048)

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Limit Test of Arsenic and

- Tashi (91901263048)
What is a limit test?
These are qualitative or semi- quantitative
tests designed to detect and limit small
quantities of impurities that are commonly
present in pharmaceutical substances.
They are based on the comparison of
opalescence, turbidity or color produced
due to impurity in a sample with that
produced in a standard under the same
test conditions.
Limit test for

Limit test of Arsenic is based
on the reaction between arsine
gas with hydrogen ion to form
yellow stain on mercuric
chloride paper in the presence
of reducing agents like
potassium iodide.

Requirements ;
Arsenic apparatus,
 lead acetate solution,
Mercuric chloride paper,
1 M potassium iodide solution,
Zinc dust (As T), water bath, arsenic standard
solution (10 ppm As),
1 ml bulb pipette, 5 ml pipette,
Stannated hydrochloric acid
Together, it is called Gutzeit apparatus and so the
limit test for arsenic is also called Gutzeit test.
Gutzeit pparag
Arsenic, present as arsenic acid (H3AsO4) in the sample is
reduced to arsenious acid (H3AsO3) by reducing agents like
potassium iodide, stannous acid, zinc, hydrochloric acid.
sample + dil. HCL  H3AsO4(arsenic acid)
H3AsO4 + H2SnO2(stannic acid)  H3AsO3 + H2SnO3 (stannic

Arsenious acid is further reduced to arsine (gas) (AsH3) by

the action of nascent hydrogen which is produced by
reaction between zinc and HCL.
H3AsO3 + 6[H]  AsH3 (arsine) + 3H2O

The liberated arsine gas reacts with mercuric chloride paper

to give yellow stain. 7
Procedure for preparation of test and standard
Test sample Standard solution

Dissolve specific amount of sample in Keep a known quantity of dilute arsenic

water and arsenic free stannated HCl solution in water and arsenic free
and keep in a wide-mouthed bottle. stannated HCl in a wide-mouthed bottle

Add 1 gm of potassium iodide (KI) Add 1 gm of potassium iodide (KI)

Add 5 ml stannous chloride acid solution Add 5 ml stannous chloride acid solution

Add 10 gm of granulated zinc and keep Add 10 gm zinc and keep the solution
the solution aside for 40 mins aside for 40 mins

Compare the stains obtained on both the mercuric chloride papers (The depth of
yellow stain on the mercuric chloride paper will depend on the quantity of arsenic
impurity present in the substance)

Inference :
If the stain/ color intensity observed in the
test solution is less than the standard
solution, the sample is to have passed the
limit test and vice-versa.

Limit test
for Lead

Principle ;
The limit test for lead is based on
the reaction between lead and
(dithizone) in an alkaline medium
to form lead-dithizone complex
which is red in color.
Dithizone is green in color in chloroform and
lead-dithizone complex is violet in color, so the
resulting color at the end of the process is red.
Working ;

Apparatus used: Separating funnel

Test Sample Standard Solution

A known quantity of it is taken in a A standard lead solution is prepared

separating funnel. equivalent to the amount of lead permitted
in the sample under examination.

Add 6ml ammonium citrate. Add 6ml ammonium citrate.

Add 2ml potassium cyanide and 2ml Add 2ml potassium cyanide and 2ml
hydroxylamine hydrochloride. hydroxylamine hydrochloride.

Add two drops of phenol red. Add two drops of phenol red.

Make the solution alkaline by adding Make the solution alkaline by adding
ammonia solution. ammonia solution.

Extract 5ml dithizone and mix until it Extract 5ml dithizone and mix until it
becomes green. becomes green.
Test Sample Standard Solution
Combine the solution with 30ml nitric Combine the solution with 30ml nitric
acid and shake it for 30 mins. Discard acid and shake it for 30 mins. Discard
the chloroform layer. the chloroform layer.

To the acid solution, add 5ml standard To the acid solution, add 5ml standard
dithizone solution. dithizone solution.

Add 4ml ammonium cyanide. Add 4ml ammonium cyanide.

Shake the mixture for 30 mins. Shake the mixture for 30 mins.

Observe the color. Observe the color.

Compare the intensities of the colors obtained in both the solutions.

The color produced in the sample
solution should not be greater
than the standard solution. If the
color produced in the sample
solution is less than the standard
solution, the sample is to have
passed the limit test and vice

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