Management Intra Cranial Pressure (Icp)
Management Intra Cranial Pressure (Icp)
Management Intra Cranial Pressure (Icp)
Pembimbing : dr. Ita Muharram Sari, Sp.S
Presenter : dr. Heru Pranata
Dr. Nurdiansyah
Intracranial compliance
This intracranial space has three components: brain tissue, blood, and cere-
brospinal fluid (CSF). In an average adult, the brain tissue volume is 1,400
mL; the blood volume is 150 mL; and the CSF volume is 150 mL.3 Normal ICP
ranges 3-15 mmHg; in the intensive care unit (ICU), ICP values less than 20
mmHg are generally accepted.
Pathologic states within the intra- cranial vault result in an increase of volume. This is a result of at
least one of the following: 1) extrinsic mass lesion, 2) increase in blood volume, 3) increase in CSF
volume, or 4) increase in brain tissue.
To maintain normal ICP in these pathologic states, there is a reduction in the volume of oth- er
compartments as a compensatory mechanism. As this compensatory mechanism reaches its limit,
the compliance (delta V/delta P) drastically. As compliance decreases, there is a greater the change
in pressure for a given change in volume (i.e., there are dramatic changes in pressure for small
incremental changes in volume; Fig. 1). This is re- flected in the ICP waveform as seen in Fig. 2.
Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is defined as mean arterial pressure (MAP) minus intracranial
pressure (i.e., CPP=MAP-ICP). Therefore as ICP rises, CPP will fall. Nor- mal CPP is 60-150 mm
Hg.8 CPP less than 60 mmHg may result in ischemic brain injury, while CPP greater than 150 mmHg
can lead to hyperemia and hyperperfusion injury.
Intraparenchymal pressure monitors are placed into the brain tissue via a
burr hole and secured using bolt.
Step 2. Sedation
Step 5. Osmotherapy
6. We recommend the continuous assessment and mon- itoring of ICP and CPP including waveform quality
using a structured protocol to ensure accuracy and reliability. Instantaneous ICP values should be inter-
preted in the context of monitoring trends, CPP, and clinical evaluation. (Strong recommendation, high
quality of evidence.)
7. While refractory ICP elevation is a strong predictor of mortality, ICP per se does not provide a useful
prognostic marker of functional outcome; therefore, we recommend that ICP not be used in isolation as a
prognostic marker. (Strong recommendation, high quality of evidence.)