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The key takeaways are the different types of pressure relief devices like safety valves, relief valves, pilot operated pressure relief valves and rupture discs. It also discusses the components and operation of pilot operated pressure relief valves.

The different types of pressure relief devices discussed are safety valves, relief valves, pilot operated pressure relief valves, counter weight PSVs, non-reclosing pressure relief devices like rupture discs.

The key components of a pilot operated pressure relief valve are the pilot valve, main valve and piston. It operates by the pilot valve opening to depressurize the top of the main valve when inlet pressure exceeds the set point, allowing the main valve to open and relieve excess pressure.



( PSVs)

Ahmad Tanvir Qazi

Afzal Shahid
Asad Shakoor
“A pressure relief valve is a safety
device designed to prevent internal
fluid pressure from rising above pre
determined maximum pressure in a
pressure vessel exposed to emergency
or abnormal condition.”
Types of Devices
Re closing pressure relief device
1 Safety Valve
A safety valve is a pressure relief valve
actuated by inlet static pressure and
characterized by rapid opening or pop action.
Used for steam, gas and air services.
2 Relief valve
A relief valve is a pressure relief valve
actuated by inlet static pressure having a
gradual lift generally proportional to the
increase In pressure over opening pressure.
Used for liquid service.
Types of Devices
3 Pilot operated pressure relief valve
A pilot operated pressure relief valve
is a pressure relief valve in which the
major relieving device is combined
with and is controlled by a self
actuated auxiliary pressure relief valve.
4 Counter weight PSV
5 Non -Re closing pressure relief
a. Rupture disc device
Types of Devices
1 Conventional Safety Relief Valve
This valve has its spring housing vented to
the discharge side of the valve.
Operational characteristics(opening,
closing pressure and relieving capacity)
are directly affected by changes of the
back pressure on the valve.
2 Balanced Safety Relief Valve
This valve incorporates means of
minimizing the affect of back pressure on
the operational characteristics(opening,
closing pressure and relieving capacity)
Pilot Operated PSV

• 1. When inlet pressure (primary pressure) P1

rises above the set pressure, the pilot valve
operates and the main valve is opened to
release the excess pressure to the outlet side
and maintain the inlet pressure at the set
Pilot Operated PSV
• 2. Under normal conditions, pilot A
valve is open and pilot B valve is closed
so that inlet pressure P1 is transmitted
to the top of the main valve to keep the
main valve closed.
When inlet pressure P1 exceeds the set
pressure, pilot A valve closes and pilot
B valve opens to reduce the pressure
acting on the top of the main valve, thus
opening the main valve and preventing
the inlet pressure from rising.
Pilot Operated PSV
• System pressure acts on the area contained
by the main valve seat at the bottom and on
the top of the piston.
• Since the top of the piston is larger than the
bottom (seat area), there is a large downward
net force holding the piston close.
• Seating force increases as the system
pressure increases and approaches set point.
• At set pressure, pilot opens and partially
depressurize the dome
Pilot Operated PSV
• Piston lift, resulting flow through the main
• Relief demand satisfied, pilot closes, full
system pressure is diverted to the dome and
the piston moves downward closing the main
Pilot Operated PSV
Advantages :
1. Soft seat for tightness before and after relief
2. Valve remain tight at least 95% of set pressure
3. Reduced maintenance
4. Unaffected by the back pressure
5. Field test capability
6. Reduced noise
7. Ease of adjustment
Counter Weight PSV
•These PSVs are used with
Weights instead of Spring.
•These PSVs are for low process
•Easy to check the operation of
the PSV.
•Pressure Cooker is an example
of Counter weight PSV.
• Blowdown
The difference between actual popping
pressure and reseating pressure expressed
in percentage
• Chatter
Abnormal rapid reciprocating motion of the
moveable parts of a pressure relief valve in
which the disk contacts the seat.
• Simmer
Audible or visible escape of fluid between the
seat and disc at an inlet static pressure below
the popping pressure.
• Flutter
Abnormal rapid reciprocating motion of the
moveable parts of a pressure relief valve in
which the disk does not contacts the seat.
• Back pressure
Static pressure existing at the outlet of a
pressure relief device due to pressure in the
discharge system
• Superimposed back pressure
Static pressure existing at the outlet of a
pressure relief device at the time the device is
required to operate. It is the result of pressure
in the discharge system from other sources.
• Variable Back pressure
a superimposed back pressure that will
vary with the time.
• Huddling chamber
the annular pressure chamber located
beyond the valve seat for the purpose of
generating a popping characteristic
Inlet Connection
• Inlet piping should be short
• Piping direct from vessel
• Vessel connection rounded
• Pressure loss between vessel and PSV not
exceed 3% of set pressure
• Chattering may occur under higher pressure
loss operation
• Inlet connection equal to or greater than dia
of PSV inlet.
• Thermal expansion of pipe
• Oscillation to be considered
• Wind load
• Back pressure consideration
• Bellow type PSV to be used for the back
• Long radius elbow is not recommended
Adjustment and performance .
• Correct spring
• Spring can be adjusted 10 % above and below
the given range
• For steam and gas service POP action
10 % above set pressure PSV full lift
• Reseat 5% to 7% below the set pressure
• Liquids service NO POPING action occurs,
opening increases gradually
• In liquid service, pressure rises 25% above
the set pressure the valve will attain full lift.
• Close at 5% to 7% below the set pressure
Blow down Adjustment
• Reseating pressure ( Blow Down)
• Adjusted by nozzle ring
• Increase blow down, nozzle ring lift up by
moving notches.( lower reseating pressure)
• Decrease blow down, nozzle ring lowered by
moving notches.( higher reseating pressure)
Lapping / Re facing
• Light scratches
• Use cast iron lapping plate or a ring lap which
should be clean and flat
• Apply compound on lapping block and use
figure 8 motion
• Apply uniform and light pressure
• Much compound can round the edges of the
• Disc and nozzle re facing can be done
maximum three times
Seat Tightness Test
• After final spring setting an valve has popped
a few times lower the pressure of the valve to
90% of set pressure for testing of air leakage.
• Outlet blanked off by a cover plate on which
5/16” OD tube is fastened.
• Tube bend at 90 in to a receptacle
• End of the tube to be submerged ½” to the
water in the receptacle.
• Most manufacturers recommend that system
operating pressure should not exceed 90% of
the set pressure to achieve and maintain
proper seat tightness.
• An increase in temperature cause a reduction in set
• It is to be compensated when a valve is set at ambient
• Up to 100ºC increase in spring setting NONE
• From 100ºC to 250ºC increase in spring setting 2%
• From 251ºC to 500ºC increase in spring setting 3%
• Above 500ºC increase in spring setting 5%
• A standard valve without balanced bellow, set
pressure 20 Kg/Cm2, temperature 260 ºC, constant
back pressure 1 Kg/Cm2 service vapor.

• Spring set = 20 Kg/Cm2 - 1 Kg/Cm2 = 19 Kg/Cm2

• As per temp. table 3% of 19 = 0.57
• Round off to 0.60
• Cold setting = 19 + 0.6 = 19.60 Kg/Cm2
Operation of PSV ( Liquid service)
• Different dynamic as compared to gas
• Liquid do not expand when flowing across
orifice and small amount of liquid flow across
the nozzle will produce large local pressure
drop at the nozzle orifice.
• Pressure drop causes the spring to re close
the valve.
• Liquid leaking into huddling chamber can
quickly drain out.
• In liquid service “chattering” occur. Rapid
opening and closing of the pressure relief
Valve Operation
• System pressure is applied at the inlet
to the seat area and exerts a force on
the spindle. This upward force is
counteracted by the downward force of
the spring (see figure 1).
• While the system pressure is below set
pressure, the pressure in the spring
chamber, the inner chamber, and the
outlet is atmospheric (see figure-2).
Valve Operation
• If the system pressure increases to the point
where the total upward force overcomes the
spring force, the valve opens (see figure 3)
• At set pressure, the initial flow across the seat is
exposed to the additional area of the spindle
skirt, which generates additional lifting of forces.
At this opening instant, the pressure in the inner
chamber is greater than the pressure in the
spring chamber. This is due to the restricted
annular area between the spindle and the guide.
This increased force rapidly accelerates the
spindle to its full open position (see figure 4).
Valve Operation
• After the spindle has lifted, a developed back
pressure will be present in the spring
chamber. This is due to the pressure drop
across the secondary orifice. This pressure
then acts down against the area of the
spindle, as a supplemental force to assist the
spring in closing the spindle (see figure 4).
• This pressure in turn can be adjusted
externally with a threaded bolt, which partially
restricts one of the guide holes. This
adjustment varies the amount of developed
back pressure in the spring chamber (see
figure 4) and controls blow down,
independently of set pressure.
Valve Operation
• Complete restriction of the flow through one
of these guide holes by the blow down
adjustment will not affect capacity since the
back pressure will never exceed 50 percent
of the inlet pressure (see figure 4).
• At some point, the inlet (system) pressure will
drop to a level where the combined spring
force and the developed back pressure on
the spindle top will overcome the lifting force
on the seat area and cause the spindle to
start down. As soon as this happens, the
pressure in the inner chamber is
instantaneously reduced a small amount.
Valve Operation
• This increases the unbalance in a downward
direction, and the spindle accelerates
downward, causing the valve to close with a
snap action (see figure 5.
• After valve reseating, residual pressure in the
spring chamber immediately dissipates to the
valve outlet, back to atmospheric pressure (or
the current value of superimposed back
pressure). The safety relief valve is again
back to its initial status prior to opening (see
figure 6).
• Tools
– Lapping blocks for each size
– Lapping block reconditioner
– Lapping compounds coarse, medium, fine and
– Nozzle wrench
– Set of contour gages
• Dismantle as per procedure
– Observe and clean all the parts.
• Seat conditioning
– Disc seat and nozzle seating area should be
– Both seats should be flat and properly
• Lapping procedure
– Never lap the disc against the nozzle
– Lap each part separately against a cast iron
lapping block of proper size.
– Seat to be kept perfectly flat
– Apply compound Coarse, medium coarse, fine
and then polish
– Dirty compound will create scratches.
• Machining
– Same template gage to be used for the
machining of nozzle and disc.
– After machining seat and nozzle to be lapped.

• Reassembly
Faults Causes Solutions
Leakage 1. Presence of foreign 1. Operate the valve one or twice
matter between seat consecutively. If leakage
and disc. continue, disassemble valve
and clean the trim.
2. Scratching or pitting 2. Disassemble valve, machine
on seat surface and lap the seat.
3. Valve used with fluid 3. Lap seat and disc more finely if
other than that
the valve, originally ordered for
specified during
ordering. liquid service, is used with gas.
4. Valve not mounted 4. Correct installation.
Faults Causes Solutions

Discharge at 1. Variable back pressure. 1. For standard valves check that discharge
incorrect takes place in piping whose dimensions
pressure. are equal to or greater than those of the
outlet connections of the valve, and that
the discharge piping is free from
obstructions. Possibly use a bellows type
2. Back pressure different 2. The valve must be recalibrated, correcting
from that specified during spring compression for the new back
ordering. pressure value.

3. Loosening of locknut in 3. Tighten locknut after recalibrating the

spring adjusting screw. valve.

4. Poor trim alignment. 4. Discharge valve 2 or 3 times to allow self-

alignment of the trim.
Faults Causes Solutions
Chatter 1.Blow down ring 1. Ensure that the blow down
(rapid incorrectly ring is in the lowest position
opening adjusted. for valves for liquid service.
and For valves used with gas
closing regulate suitably.
cycle) 2.Insufficient 2. Check that discharge tubing is
discharge not obstructed nor too long.
capacity. Check that valve is not
3.Oversized valve. 3. Substitute valve with a smaller
• The Gag may be screwed in the top of the
cap to locate on the valve stem.
• Its purpose is to keep the valve closed at
pressure above the set pressure.
• It can also be used during hydraulic testing of
the plant.
• It can also be used for isolating the process
being leak through PSV (Be insure that there
is a stand by PSV for emergency).
Lifting Gear / Manual
• Lifting Gear or Lever is used for
manual operation of PSV.
•When the lever is operated, it will
open PSV or in other words it will
pass the process via PSV.
•It is also used for checking the
PSV healthiness.
Part Name Materials
1 Nozzle
2 Body
3 Warn Ring
4 Disc Holder
5 Disc Retainer
6 Control Ring Pin Assembly
7 Control Ring
8 Warn Ring Pin Assembly
9 Guide
10 Yoke
11 Bolt Steel
12 Lever
13 Stem Assembly
14 Spring Aluminum Coated
15 Spring Step Steel
16 Compression Screw
17 Lever Pin
18 Cotter Pin Steel
19 Locknut
20 Lift Cam Ductile Iron
21 Cap Ductile
22 Lift Nut
23 Lift Disc
24 Lift Pin
25 Cap Screw
26 Spring Pin l
27 Stem Retainer
28 Retainer Locknut
29 Shield
30 Disc


1 2.5 6 10 16 25 40 64 100 160 250
to 2.5 to 6 to10 to16 to 25 to 40 to 64 to 100 to 160 to250 to 400

D 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - - -
E 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 - - -

D 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7

E 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11

1" 1/2 F 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 17

G 4 8 10 13 15 17 19 21 23 - -

H 7 13 16 20 23 26 - - - - -

G 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
H 3 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 19 -
J 5 10 13 16 13 21 24 26 - - -

J 3 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 -

3" K 4 7 10 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 -

L 6 11 15 18 20 23 - - - - -

L 3 6 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 -

M 4 7 10 11 13 15 17 19 21 - -
N 5 9 12 14 16 18 20 23 25 - -

P 7 13 17 20 23 27 30 33 - - -

P 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 - -

6" Q 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 - - -

R 6 12 15 18 20 24 - - - - -

8" T 6 12 16 19 22 25 - - - - -

10" U 5 10 13 16 - - - - - - -

12" V 5 10 13 16 - - - - - - -


Table. 1-Leakage Rates for Safety Relief Valves for Set
pressures to 1000 Pounds per Square Inch Gage (6.9 Mega
Pascal's) at 600 F (15.60 C)
Approximate Leakage Rate
Manufacturer’ Maximum
leakage Rate
Type of Valve s (Standard
(Bubbles per (Standard
Orifice Size Minute) Cubic feet per Cubic meter
24 Hour) per 24 Hour)

F and smaller 40 0.60 0.017

G and larger 20 0.30 0.0085

F and smaller 50 0.75 0.021

G and larger 30 0.45 0.013
Area of Orifices
Area of Area of
Type Type
Orifices (IN2) Orifices (IN2)
D 0.110 L 2.853
E 0.196 M 3.60
F 0.307 N 4.34
G 0.503 P 6.38
H 0.785 Q 11.05
J 1.287 R 16.0
K 1.838 T 26.0
22 21
25 24 23 22
Pressure Relief Value Specification
Sheet No: ___________
Req. No.: ____________
Job No. : ____________
Date : ____________ Sheet _____ of _______

General 01 Tag Number

02 Service
03 Line/Vessel Number
04 Full/Semi Nozzle
05 Safety / Relief
06 Conventional / Bellows /
Pilot Operated
07 Quantity
Connections 08 Size: Inlet/Orifice/Outlet
09 Flange Rating
10 Flange Faces
*11 Body / Bonnet / Top Plate
Pressure Relief Value Specification
Materials *12 Nozzle
*13 Disc
*14 Guide
*15 Spring
*16 Resilient Seals
17 Cap Type
17A Lever
17B Test Gag
Options 18 Field Test Connection
19 Pilot Supply Filter
20 Test Button on Lever
21 Back Flow preventer
22 Remote Pressure Pick-up
23 Others
Pressure Relief Value Specification Sheet
24 Code
25 Fire
Basis 26 Rupture Disc
Input Data 28 Fluid & State
29 Required Capacity
30 Molecular Weight
31 Set Pressure
31 A Operating Pressure
32 Operating Temperature
32 A Flowing Temperature
33 Back Pressure –
34 -
35 - Total
Pressure Relief Value Specification
37 Overpressure Factor
38 Compressibility Factor
39 Latent Heat of
40 Ratio of Specific Heat
41 Operating Viscosity
Calculated 42
Values 43
44 Calculated Area
45 Selected Area
46 Orifice Designation
47 Manufacturer
48 Model Number
Pressure Relief Value Specification
Comments 49
*Note: For Catalog materials other than crosby standard, please
consult the Factory for Pressure / Temperature limits.
Atmospheric Back Pressure
Fluid: Natural Gas
Required Capacity: 5900 lb/hr
Set Pressure: 210 psig
Over Pressure: 10 %
Back Pressure: Atmospheri
Inlet Relieving Temperature: 120 F
Molecular Weight: 19.0
A = Minimum required effective discharge area,
square inches.
W = 5900 lb/hr
T = 120F + 460 = 580R
Z = Compressibility Factor, use Z= 1.0
P1= Absolute relieving pressure 210 + 21+
14.7=245.7 psia.
C = 344 (Table T7-7 on page 7-26)
K = 0.975
Kb = Capacity correction factor due to back pressure.
M = 19.0 (Table T7-7 on page 7-26) A = W (TZ)1/2/CKP1KB (M)1/2
A “G” orifice value with an effective
area of 0.503 square inches is the
smallest standard size value that will
flow the required relieving capacity.
From Crosby Catalog # 310, select a
1-1/2G2-1/2 Style JOS-15 with Type
J cap. Standard materials of
construction are satisfactory for this
application (natural gas).
1. Fluid Properties:
a. Fluid & State

b. Molecular Weight
c. Viscosity
d. Specific Gravity
Liquid (referred to Water)
Gas (referred to air)
e. Ratio of specific Heats(K)
f. Compressibility Factor (Z)
2. Operating Conditions:
a. Operating Pressure(psig maximum)
b. Operating Temperature(o F maximum)
c. Max. Allowable Working Pressure.

3. Relieving Conditions:
a. Required Relieving Capacity

Gas or Vapor (lb/hr)

Gas or Vapor (scfm)

Liquid (gpm)

b. Set Pressure

c. Allowable Overpressure %

d. Superimposed Back Pressure (psig)

(specify constant or Variable)
e. Built – Up Back Pressure (psig)

f. Relieving Temperature (0 F)
The following is a suggested list of
service conditions which must be
provided in order to properly size and
select a pressure relief value.
Rupture Disc
• A non mechanical over pressure relief device

that ruptures when its rating is attained.

• A thin diaphragm designed to burst at a

designated pressure, discharging into
atmosphere or a closed system such as a flare

• Its is known as “weak spot” in any pressure

system (Intentionally designed).
Functions / Advantage

• Two fold primary function

– Provides leak tight seals until.

– A combination of conditions allow it to rupture in a

predictable & controlled manner.

• Advantage
– Used as primary protection & alternate to SR v/v.

– Used in parallel with S. relief valve as 2ry protection.

– In combination with a S. v/v to enhance performance.

?? Reduced Inlet Piping
Inlet Piping

Anything wrong
?? Plugged
Anything wrong Bellows, Failed
Signs of
Inspection, Maintenance

Bellows plugged
in spite of sign

?? Discharges
Anything wrong
here? Down
?? Long Moment Arm
Moment Arm

Anything wrong
these these bolts hold in a
bolts hold
in a relief event
relief event?

Anything wrong
Mexico City Disaster
Major Contributing Cause:
Missing Safety Valve

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