P N Junction Diode
P N Junction Diode
P N Junction Diode
p-n junction formation
P- type N- type
Being free particles, electrons start diffusing from n-type material into p-material
Being free particles, holes, too, start diffusing from p-type material into n-material
p- n junction formation
What happens if n- and p-type materials are in close contact?
p-type n-type
The diffusion forms a dipole charge layer at the p-n junction interface-
There is a “built-in” VOLTAGE at the p-n junction interface that prevents
penetration of electrons into the p-side and holes into the n-side.
Depletion Region
• As conduction electrons and holes diffuse across the junction,
they leave behind ionized dopants. Thus, a region that is
depleted of mobile carriers is formed.
– The charge density in the depletion region is not zero.
– The carriers which diffuse across the junction recombine with majority
carriers, i.e. they are annihilated.
PN Junction diode current – voltage (I-V) characteristics
Semiconductor diode consists of a p-n junction with two
contacts attached to the p- and n- sides
p n
V 0
I I 0 exp 1
I0 is usually a very small current, I0 ≈ 10-17 …10-13 A
When the voltage V is negative (“reverse” polarity) the exponential term ≈ -1;
The diode current is ≈ IS ( very small).
When the voltage V is positive (“forward” polarity) the exponential term
increases rapidly with V and the current is high.
P-N Junction - V-I characteristics
Voltage-Current relationship for a p-n junction (diode)
Since, ξ = Zero outside the depletion region (towards p-side and n-side)
Therefore, V should be constant in p-side and n-side and should be equal to Vp and Vn .
Here V0 is equilibrium
contact potential
Electron now “tunnel” directly across the potential barrier from the
valence band in p-region into the conduction band in n-region.
Hence a large reverse current flows.
Application of Zener diode
• As Voltage Stabilizer-