Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation
A holistic approach to Insurance automation
Automation Spectrum
The automation spectrum is rapidly changing. The rise of new artificial intelligence technologies, including virtual
agents, machine learning and natural language classification will further drive automation and augmentation of
insurance industry processes.
Consolidating data from Applying technology Interactive characters Systems that gain knowledge
multiple sources into a single to manipulate existing with human-like traits and from data as “experience”
view to complete a process. application software to communication styles able and apply what is learnt in
complete a process. to answer questions and upcoming situations.
perform business processes.
“When they assess
processes, they’re not just
asking, can we? They’re
also asking, should we?”
• Create sales • Data entry for • Automate updates to • Process claims bulk • Automate daily bank
scorecards to push clearance and personal details and payments with pre- reconciliations
notifications to registration bank account details approved expense
• Process low-
agents processes amounts
• Reject or cancel a risk money out
• Conduct compliance, • Update systems policy if a payment • Automate manual transactions
legal and credit and produce client has not been made assignments to
checks information with 21 days claims handlers,
input FNOL
• Gather information • Identify policy
• Paper or online submissions into
from various systems premium
account maintenance various systems
and generate a discrepancies and
not currently
renewal premium reconcile if required • Automate
supported by straight
through processing
to loss adjusters
“The importance of
maintaining and
changing robots in BAU
is often overlooked.”
An RPA capability could feasibly reside within By ensuring a consistent approach across Operations
Operations, IT or a Shared Services organisation. and IT, RPA implementations with top-level sponsorship
Regardless of where the capability is developed, avoid clashes with other change programmes, ensure
a collaborative approach between Operations focus on delivering business priorities, and secure the
and IT is essential. It is critical that the business critical business analysis and IT skills needed to deliver
provide sponsorship and insight to identify the right and maintain the automation programme.
Understanding the
impact on talent
While insurers’ workforces are by now accustomed to the business – smart technology empowering smart
participating in change programmes, the introduction people -, or as a threat to their roles.
of automation can have a more fundamental impact
on individual roles and responsibilities. For front- There is no doubt that RPA will reduce the number of
office teams, it’s most likely to be viewed as a positive roles in Operations teams. Insurers, therefore, need to
development, with real benefits for the customer focus on retaining and redeploying talent to support
experience and improved efficiency of administrative front-office activities or new roles created through
tasks. However, it’s in the middle- and back-office business growth. If RPA programmes are counter-
operations, where RPA has the greatest potential to balanced by training that re-equips people for new
automate manual activities, that uncertainty is most roles then they are more likely to be seen in a positive
likely to be created. light.
The impact of RPA is multi-dimensional. Operations One UK based general insurer embraced this concept
staff can either perceive robots as a new type of co- when implementing a recent automation programme
worker that releases people from mundane work and (which also freed up 35 percent of capacity in one area
creates new, value-adding opportunities for them in the of the business). Management took time to understand
business, or as a threat to their roles. the impact on the people involved and invested in
making RPA integral to the overall businessculture.
The impact of RPA is multi-dimensional. Operations Where automation was introduced robots were given
staff can either perceive robots as a new type of co- names, and accepted as colleagues that helped people
worker that releases people from mundane work and to create greater business value than ever before.
creates new, value-adding opportunities for them in