Chapter 3-Power Flow Solution-Gauss Seidel 2

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The key takeaways are that power flow analysis is important for planning and operation of power systems. It involves classifying buses, formulating power flow equations based on Kirchhoff's current law, and using iterative methods like Gauss-Seidel to solve the nonlinear power flow equations.

The different types of buses in a power system are slack/reference bus, load bus, and regulated/generator bus.

The real and reactive power injections at each bus are related to the bus voltages and currents based on Kirchhoff's current law. This results in a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that must be solved iteratively to obtain the bus voltages and line flows.

Chapter 3: Power Flow Solution –

Gauss Seidel

• Introduction
o Power flow studies (load flow) is an important
part of power system analysis
o Necessary for planning, economic scheduling
and control of an existing system as well as
planning its future expansion
o The problem consists of determining the
magnitudes and phase angle of voltages at each
bus and active and reactive power flow in each
• Introduction (Cont…)
o In solving power flow problem, the system
is assumed to be operating under balanced
conditions and a single-phase model is used
o Four quantities are associated with each bus
i) voltage magnitude V
ii) phase angle 
iii) real power P
iv) reactive power Q
• Introduction (Cont…)
o The system buses are generally classified into three
o Slack bus (swing bus or reference bus) – one
generator at slack bus - is taken as reference where
the magnitude voltage (V) and phase angle of the
voltage () are specified. This bus makes up the
difference between scheduled loads and generated
power that caused by the losses in the network
o Load buses (P-Q buses) – the reactive and active
powers are specified at these buses. The magnitude
and the phase angle of the bus voltages are
o Regulated buses (Generator buses or P-V buses)
– known as voltage-controlled buses. The real power
and voltage magnitude are specified. The phase
angles of the voltages and reactive power to be
• Power Flow Equation
o Consider bus of a power system network as shown in
figure below. Transmission lines are represented by
equivalent  models where impedances have been
converted to per unit admittances on a common MVA base
o Applying KCL to this bus results in
• Power Flow Equation (cont…)
The real and reactive power at bus i is

From this relationship, the mathematical formulation of the

power flow problem results in a system of algebraic non-
linear equations which must be solved by iterative
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
In power flow study, it is essential to solve the set
of non-linear equations for two unknown variables
at each node
In Gauss-Seidel method, Vi is solved and the
iterative sequences become:-

where yij shown in lowercase letters is the actual admittance in

per unit
Pisch and Qisch are the net real and reactive powers in per unit
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
In KCL, current entering bus i was assumed
positive. Thus, for buses where real and reactive
powers are injected into the bus, such as generator
buses, Pisch and Qisch have positive values
For load buses where real and reactive powers are
flowing away from the bus, Pisch and Qisch have
negative values
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
Rewriting the power flow equation in terms of the
bus admittance matrix (Y-bus)
Since the off-diagonal elements of the bus
admittance matrix Ybus shown by uppercase
letters, Yij = -yij and the diagonal elements are Yii = -
yij and the diagonal elements are Yii = yij becomes
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
Yii includes the admittance to ground of life
charging susceptance and any other fixed
admittance to ground
Since both components (V and ) are specified for
slack bus, there are 2(n-1) equations which must
be solved iteratively
Under normal operating conditions, V of buses
are in neighborhood of 1.0 per unit or close to the
V of the slack buses
V of load buses are lower than the slack bus value,
depending on reactive power demand whereas the
scheduled voltage at the generator buses are
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
The  of the load buses are below the reference
angle in accordance to power demand whereas 
of the generator buses may be above the reference
value depending on the amount of real power
flowing into the bus
Thus, for Gauss-Seidel method, an initial voltage
estimate of 1.0 +j 0.0 for unknown voltage is
satisfactory and the converged solution correlates
with actual operating states
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
For P-Q buses, Pisch and Qisch are known. Starting
with an initial estimate, Vi(k+1) is solved for the real
and imaginary components of voltage
For P-V buses, Pisch and Vi are specified, Qi(k+1),
then used in Vi(k+1)
Since Vi is specified, only imaginary part of Vi(k+1)
is retained. And its real part is selected in order to

where ei(k+1) and fi(k+1) are the real and imaginary components of
the voltage Vi(k+1) in the iterative sequence
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
The rate of convergence is increased by applying
acceleration factor to the approximate solution
obtained from each iteration

α is the acceleration factor and is in the range of

1.3 to 1.7
The process is continued until changes in the real
and imaginary components of bus voltages
between successive iterations are within specified
accuracy e
( k 1)
(k )
i i

( k 1)
 fi
(k )
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution (Cont…)
A voltage in accuracy in the range of 0.00001 to
0.00005 p u is satisfactory
In practice, the method for determining the
completion of a solution is based on an accuracy
index set up on the power mismatch
The iteration continues until the magnitude of the
largest element in the P and Q columns in less
than specified value
Normally, power mismatch accuracy is 0.001 p u
After solving for bus voltages and angles, power
flows and losses in the network branches are
Line Flows and Losses
Consider the line connecting the two buses i and j
in Transmission line model below. The line current
Iij measured at bus i and defined positive in the
Example 1
Figure below shows the single-line diagram of three-
bus power system with generation at bus 1. The
scheduled loads at buses 2 and 3 are as marked on
the diagram. Line impedances are marked in per unit
on 100 MVA base and the line charging susceptances
are neglected

0.01  j 0.03 0.02  j 0.04

0.0125  j 0.025
Example 1 (cont…)
a) Using Gauss-Seidel method, determine the
phasor values of the voltage at load buses 2 and 3
(P-Q buses) to 4 decimal places
b) Find slack bus real and reactive power
c) Determine the line flows and line losses
d) Construct a power flow diagram showing the
direction of line flow
a) Line impedances are converted to admittances

Bus 1 is taken as reference bus (slack bus). Starting from an initial

estimate of
b) The slack bus is:-

c) To find the line flows, first find the line currents are
computed. With the line charging capacitors neglected,
the line currents are:-
The line flows are:-
The line losses are:-

d) The power flow diagram is shown below:-

Example 2
Figure below shows the single-line diagram of three-bus power system
with generator at buses 1 and 3. The magnitude of voltage at bus 1 is
adjusted to 1.05 pu. Voltage magnitude at bus 3 is fixed at 1.04 pu with a
real power generation at 200 MW. A load consisting of 400 MW and 250
Mvar is taken from bus 2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a
100 MVA base and the line charging susceptances are neglected. Obtain
the power flow solution by Gauss-Seidel method including line flows and
line losses.
Line impedances are converted to admittances

Bus 1 is taken as reference bus (slack bus). Starting from an initial

estimate of
Bus 3 is a regulated bus where voltage magnitude
and real power are specified. For the voltage-
controlled bus, the first reactive power is:-

Line flows and line losses are computed as below:-

The power flow diagram is as below:-
Exercise 1
Figure 1 shows the single-line diagram of a three-bus power system with generation at
bus 1. The voltage at bus 1 is V1 = 1.0250 per unit. The scheduled loads on bus 2
and bus 3 are marked on the diagram. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100
MVA base. Line resistances and line charging susceptances are neglected.
a) By using Gauss-Seidel method and initial estimates of V2(0) = 1.00 and
V3(0) = 1.328519.8, determine V2 and V3. Perform calculation for two
b) After several iterations, the bus voltages converge to
V2 = 0.9346 – j0.1159 pu
V3 = 0.9724 – j0.0604 pu
Determine the line flows and losses and the slack bus real and reactive power.
1 2
V1 = 1.0250° j0.05
350 MW
200 Mvar
Slack Bus


300 MW
250 Mvar

Exercise 2
Figure 2 shows the single-line diagram of three-bus power system with generation at
bus 1 and bus 3. The voltage at bus 1 is V1 = 1.0250 p.u. The voltage magnitude at
bus 3 is fixed at 1.05 p.u with a real power generation of 250 MW. The scheduled load
on bus 2 is marked on the diagram. Line impedances are marked in p.u on a 100-MVA
base. Line resistances and line charging susceptances are neglected.

By using Gauss-Seidel method and initial estimates of V2(0) = 1.00 and

V3(0) = 1.050, determine V2 and V3. Perform calculation for one iteration.

1 2
V1 = 1.0250° j0.4
j0.1 250 MW
150 Mvar
Slack Bus
j0.2 | V3 | =1.05
j0 j0.1

P3 = 250 MW

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