PHILOChapter 1
PHILOChapter 1
PHILOChapter 1
Loon South National High School
Read and analyze the following conversation
between high school teacher and her student
Teacher: Juan, what would you like to be when
you grew up?
Juan: Ma’am, I want to be happy!
Teacher: Juan, you did not understand my
Juan: Ma’am, you do not understand what is
life all about!
1. Do you think that Juan’s answer was
appropriate for his teacher’s question?
2. What do think was Juan’s interpretation of his
teachers question?
3. Based on his responses, what kind of student
do you imagine Juan to be?
4. If you were Juan’s teacher, how would you
respond to him?
5. How is philosophy related to this situation?
1. Have you pondered topics such as meaning of
life and how to be happy?
2. Why it is important for people to think of serious
or deep questions once in a while?
3. Do think on page 3. Share your questions and
insights to the class.
4. Answer discuss on page 3. Write your answers
on your journal notebook.
Read the following news headlines. What “simple”,
“serious”, and “deep” questions come to mind
when you read them?
1. Flash floods in remote village kill a hundred
of people
2. Abused child kept chained in basement for
five years finally rescued
3. Man sentenced to ten years for stealing milk
to feed his baby
4. Lottery winner donates half of winnings to
local orphanage
Philosophy is presented as a study of discipline that
enables a person to attain a broad understanding
and perspective in life trough reflection.
1. What does it mean to be a lover of wisdom?
2. What characteristics should a philosopher
Since ancient times, philosophers have been
pondering some of the most enduring questions
regarding human existence. The following are some of
1. What is real? Are we able to perceive and
understand reality and everything in it?
2. How do we know what we know? Are the things
what we know true?
3. What is the ultimate cause of all things? What is
our purpose in this world?
4. To what extent are our choices and actions
considered “free”?
1. What other philosophical questions have you
asked your self? What led you to ponder those
2. Do you think that you will be able to figure out
the answers to these philosophical questions?
The following are the most notable ancient Greek
1. Pythagoras
2. Heraclitus
3. Democritus
4. Diogenes of Sinope
5. Epicurus
6. Socrates
7. Plato
8. Aristotle
Please get your book and turn to page 5.
Why is there a need to Philosophize?
Additional tasks:
Make a poster showcasing the reasons to
Analyze the characteristics of Philosophy by
expanding the graphic organizer.