Personnel Programs and Policies-Ba2

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• Programs and Policies- are human-made
guides to action. In theory, they based on an
analysis of an enterprise objectives as well as
in the available knowledge in the subject

• Personnel Managers are after called upon to

establish guides in areas where the state of
the art is incomplete and able persons
concerning best approaches.
Personnel Program
• Refers to activities to implement the organizational
philosophy or creed and the personnel philosophy of
central managers in relation to people to accomplish
organizational objectives.
• Provides for the development and maintenance of
good employer-employee relationship.
• The personnel programs and policies of a company
reflect the depth and meaning of it’s management
philosophy and it’s thinking on how it will treat it’s
• A good personnel program covers all the operative
functions of personnel.
A personnel program defines:
1. The objectives- It provides a step-by-step
procedure in carrying out the objectives.
2. The policies and procedures- to meaningful
and effective, it must provide for personnel
policies and procedures.
3. The means of carrying out the varied
personnel functions- it is an instrument for
promoting company-wide harmony in labor
management relations.
On the other hand, the management
should recognize the desire of every
worker for:
1. Job Security
2. Opportunities to learn the job and grow with the
3. Good working conditions
4. Treatment as a human being
5. Good supervisors
6. Opportunity for training, development and
7. Fail wages and salaries
8. Sound employee benefits
To be effective, the personnel program must
meet certain human wants essential in limiting
maximum efficiency. Some of these wants are:

1. Adequate pay
2. Opportunity for advancement
3. Recognition for good work
4. Interesting and meaningful work
5. Reasonable security
6. Recognition and respect for the individual as
a human being
Guidelines for Satisfactory Personnel
1. The human resource policies of the organization are
written, known and observed by all.
2. The personnel program has the full support of
management and employees
3. Research covering organizational and industry-wide
personnel policies, personnel practices, and personnel
strategies are undertaken on a continuing basis.
4. The organization has a definite human resource
procurement plan – recruitment, selection, and
placement of employees.
5. The organization has a training and development
program for all employees.
6. The grievance machinery of the organization is
understood and efficiently working to the satisfaction
of both management and employees.
7. Continuing researches are made by the organization
on wages and salaries.
8. Periodic audit of every employee is made to discover
employee strength and weakness.
9. The organization provides substantial employee
benefits and services.
10. The organization through it’s managers maintain
good relations with their immediate subordinates.
A good personnel program should adequately meet the
needs of the company’s human resource in attaining
the objectives of the organization.
The program covers five areas namely:
1. Adequate competent personnel- includes human
resources planning, job description & place job
specification, employee recruitment, selection,
hiring, placement, transfers, layoffs, and
2. Holding and retaining competent employees-
gives depth and meaning to good management
philosophy and involves granting of fair wages ,
reasoning working hours, and other employee
benefits and services.
3. Developing and motivating employees- deals
with the increase of individual productiveness.
4.Labor and human relations-involves the development
of harmonious relations between management on one
hand and the individual employees and the union on
the other.
5. Efficient program administration and adequate
budget- refers to the efficient administration of the
program with adequate budget, to achieve a
favorable climate for harmonious relationship.
*The important tools in this area are records and
reports, personal research and statistics, and
evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities
and programs. These tools help in the department to
evaluate it’s own effectiveness and to maintain up-
to-date statistical analysis of personal costs and
other information w/c may be needed by
management in formulation of personnel policies
and programs.
Formulating a Personnel Program
For a Personnel Program to be effective and
successful, it must consist of the ff:
1. Management Support
2. It must meet the needs of the Organization
3. Cooperation of line supervisors and
4. Motivation
5. Good organization
6. Efficient Personnel Administration
Personnel Policies
-are continuing decisions applicable to routine
or repetitive situation used as guides in the
management of human resource.
-provide standard decisions or actions when
managers have to make a decision.
For uniformity and consistency of actions
involving human resource, good personnel
policies must be formulated and implemented
by all managers in an organization.

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