Erwin Data Modeling PPT

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The key takeaways are that data modeling is used to define data requirements and structures to support business processes. It involves entity relationship modeling, different types of modeling like conceptual, logical and physical modeling.

The different types of data modeling are conceptual data modeling, logical data modeling and physical data modeling.

The main components of an ER model are entities, attributes and relationships. An entity represents a thing of importance, an attribute is a property of an entity and a relationship represents how entities are related.

Data Modeling

 Data modeling is a method used to

define and analyze data requirements
needed to support the business process
of an organization.

 Data modeling defines not just data

elements, but their structures and
relationships between them
Using Data Modeling
 To manage data as a resource;

 For the integration of information


 For designing databases/data

warehouses (data repositories)
ER Modeling
 Entity: An entity is a thing or object of
importance about which data must be
 Attribute: Property of an entity
 Relationship: Represents how entities
are related
Types of Relationships
 One-one : One student one ID card
 One – many or many-one :book and
 Many – many: book and author
Relationship Types (key and non
 Identifying Relationship: In this
relationship primary key of the parent
table forms part of the primary key or
primary key itself in the child table
 Non Identifying Relationship: In this
relationship primary key of parent table is
a non key attribute in the child table
Identifying Relationship
 Example...
Account (AccountID, AccountNum,
PersonAccount (AccountID, PersonID,
Person(PersonID, Name)
NonIdentifying Relationship
 Example...
Account( AccountID, AccountNum,
AccountTypeID )
AccountType( AccountTypeID, Code,
Name, Description )
Types of data modeling
 Conceptual Data Modeling

 Logical Data modeling

 Physical Data modeling

Conceptual data modeling
 A conceptual entity-relationship model
shows how the business world sees
information. It suppresses non-critical
details in order to emphasize business
rules and user objects. It typically
includes only significant entities which
have business meaning, along with their
Logical Data Modeling
 A logical entity-relationship model is
provable in the mathematics of data
science. Given the current predominance
of relational databases, logical models
generally conform to relational theory.
Thus a logical model contains only fully
normalized entities.
Physical Data modeling
 A physical data model is a single logical model
instantiated in a specific database
management product (e.g., Sybase, Oracle,
Informix, etc.) in a specific installation.

 These include index construction, alternate

key declarations, modes of referential
integrity (declarative or procedural),
constraints, views, and physical storage
objects such as table spaces.
CA Erwin Data Modeler
 (Erwin) is a software tool for data
Modeling (data requirement analysis,
database design etc) of custom
developed information systems,
including databases of transactional
systems and Data marts.
Notations In Erwin
 IDEF1X (Integration Definition for Information
 IDEF1X used to build semantic Data models
 IE (Information Engineering)
An integrated and evolutionary set of tasks and
techniques that enhance business
communication throughout an enterprise
enabling it to develop people, procedures and
systems to achieve its vision
Distinguishing features
 Logical Data Modeling
 Physical Data Modeling
 Logical to Physical Transformation
 Forward engineering
 Reverse engineering
 Model to model comparison
 Generating Reports
 Metadata Integration and Exchange
Reverse Engineering
 Process of Designing data models from
an existing physical database.

 Helps in understanding complete

structure of the database from the
granular level even for a neophyte
Forward Engineering
 Process of generating physical data
model from an existing logical Entity
relationship model.

 Allows data modelers to generate a

physical model including creation of
DDL,DML,indexes, constraints etc.
Platform Support
 CA ERwin Data Modeler supports full forward and
reverse engineering capabilities for the following
database platforms:
 Access DB2 (z/OS and UDB)
 FoxPro Informix
 Ingres iSeries
 MySQL ODBC (Generic)
 Oracle Progress
 RedBrick SAS
 SQL Server Sybase
 Sybase IQ Teradata
Complete compare
 Automates the bidirectional synchronization of
models, scripts and databases.
 It compares items, displays their differences
and allows you to select which differences are
moved and in which direction.
 In addition, should model changes be moved
to a database, CA Erwin Data Modeler can
automatically generate a database ALTER
Erwin Generating Reports
 Offers flexible, customizable reporting
and printing capabilities that generate in
a variety of formats, including HTML and
 Integration with Business Objects Crystal
Reports provides reporting flexibility by
allowing you to use the open database
connectivity (ODBC) option to develop
customized reports.
Metadata Integration and
 Provides wizard-guided import and export
capabilities for an out-of-the-box exchange of
model metadata between more than 70
industry-standard modeling, design and
metadata management formats, including the
Unified Modeling Language (UML), Common
Warehouse Metamodel (CWM), Extensible
Markup Language (XML), Extract, Transform,
Load (ETL), Enterprise Information Integration
(EII), BI tools and various metadata repository

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