Coulomb's Law
Coulomb's Law
Coulomb's Law
It states that the force, F between two point charges Q1 and Q 2 is:
Q1 and Q2 (i.e., F α Q1 Q2 )
between them (i.e, F α )
Q1 Q2
+ + - - + -
• The distance R between the charged bodies Q1 and Q2 must be large compared
with the linear dimensions of the bodies; i.e., Q1 and Q2 must be point charges
• The signs of Q1 and Q2 must be taken into account. For like charges Q1 Q2 > 0
• Find the potential and electric field due to any type of charge distribution
• Find the charge if the force and electric field are known
Limitations of Coulomb’s law:
• Charges must be at rest