Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
Learning Objectives
At the end of this presentation, the students should be able to:
1. understand the meaning of culture and intercultural communication
2. enumerate the characteristics of culture
3. identify the characteristics and components of culture
4. recognize and manage diversity in multicultural education
Basis of Intercultural Communication
What is Culture
• Set of learned behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values,
and ideals that are characteristics of a particular
society or population
• Shared patterns of behaviors and interactions,
cognitive constructs and understanding that are
learned by socialization.
Center for Advance Research on Language Acquisition
2. Cognitive
3. Behavior
4. Material
Components of Culture
• Idea/Knowledge/Beliefs
Ideas – are mental representations (concepts,
categories, metaphors) used to organize stimulus;
they are the basic units out of which knowledge
is constructed and a word emerges.
Knowledge – is the storehouse where we
accumulate representations, information, facts,
assumptions, etc.
Beliefs – acceptance of accumulated
representation, information, facts and principles
Components of Culture
1. The Contributions approach – this approach reflects the least amount of involvement
in multicultural education approaches. Selecting books and activities that celebrate
holidays, heroes, and special events from various cultures.