Medical Wheel Chair

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Medicall Made In India Healthcare Innovation Awards 2018 - Title

Title of Innovation: Wheel chair for invalids

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Medicall Made In India Healthcare Innovation Awards 2018 - Applicant

Company Name: Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education

Company Representative / P.Jayakumar


Designation: Research Faculty



Mobile No: +919600914308

Alternate Mobile No:

Landline No: +91 4563 289042


(UNDER SECTION 3 of UGC Act 1956)
Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil
City: Virudhunagar

Pin code / Zip code: 626126

State: Tamil Nadu

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Snapshot of Innovation

• Define product/service/concept/process/idea/methodology
Our wheelchair is maneuverer and controlled by a attendant standing at the rear and pushing on handles incorporated into the
frame. The front wheel of chair can be lifted to elevated position using hydraulic pump, so that the attendant no need to
position the wheelchair with its back facing down the downward, he can walk frontward while pushing down the wheel chair.
The Braking is supplied directly by the attendant who will usually also be provided with a foot- or hand-operated parking
brake. This Wheel chair is specially for airliners and hospital patients

• How does the Innovation work?

Our innovated wheel chair is specially designed with hydraulic cylinder which will elevate the front small wheel of wheel
chair while steering on the ramp based on the gradient of slope. The patient can go frontwards so he can feel safe.

• Who is the targeted customer/beneficiary and how will they experience the innovation?
Our targeted customers are Hospitals, Airports and etc., The attendants are feel difficult when he maneuver the normal wheel
chair on ramps while walking at reverse position. Our innovation will resolve his hassles and he can steer the wheel chair in
front direction on ramps.

• What are the differentiating factors over existing products/services/methodology?

While move down with normal wheel chair on a ramp, we need to position the wheelchair with its back facing down the
downward, the attendants are feel difficult when he maneuver the normal wheel chair on ramps while walking at reverse

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The Innovation

Our wheelchair is maneuverer and controlled by a attendant

standing at the rear and pushing on handles incorporated into the
frame. The front wheel of chair can be lifted to elevated position
using hydraulic pump, so that the attendant no need to position the
wheelchair with its back facing down the downward, he can walk
frontward while pushing down the wheel chair. The Braking is
supplied directly by the attendant who will usually also be provided
with a foot- or hand-operated parking brake. This Wheel chair is
specially for airliners and hospital patients.

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Genesis of Innovation

• In many hospitals and airports we noticed the attenders are feel difficult

when maneuver the wheel chair with disabilities, he need to position the

wheelchair with its back facing down the downward on ramps while

walking at reverse position.

• To avoid the foresaid issue we make this innovative idea to resolve his

hassles and he can steer the wheel chair in front direction on ramps and

feel safe while walking front wards

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Status of Innovation

1. At what stage is your innovation in the development cycle? Please tick one 

Blue sky thinking

Design phase
Prototype 
Commercialised and proven
2. How would you categorise your innovation? Please tick one

Extension or improvement of existing product

Use of existing product in a new or different innovative way 

New product to market

3. Is your product: Please tick one


Patent pending 
Is a patent application planned for the future

Not patented

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Need & Economic Impact

• Just installing hydraulic cylinder and pump in the existing wheel chair will

resolve the hassles of attenders.

• Both patient and attender feel safe while move over ramp

• Its cheep and cost effective

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Target audience of innovation

• Our Target audience are

1. Hospitals

2. Airports

3. Malls

4. Exhibition halls

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Unique Selling Proposition

• While move down with the existing normal wheel chair on a ramp,

we need to position the wheelchair with its back facing down the

downward, the attendants are feel difficult when he maneuver the

normal wheel chair on ramps while walking at reverse position.

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Market Analysis
What is the potential for your innovation to be successful?
Outline in a sentence or two and insert inputs immediately below each question

• What is the size of current market for your innovation? India and Global

Every hospital and Airports have ramp for the patients and wheelchairs are their for disabilities, if we
supply at least 5 wheel chair per hospital we can sell more than 1000 wheel chair per town/city.

• What need does your innovation fulfill?

Our innovation will give safe feeling for patients and attenders while move over the ramp

• What are all the risks you foresee for your Innovation and how do you plan to mitigate these risks?

Convincing the purchasing authority is only challenge to implement our innovations in hospital and airports

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Marketing & Sales Strategy

• We planning to conduct some workshop/exhibition in hospitals and public places like malls

and make easy feel to patients and attenders while moving over ramp

• We plan to give some free wheel chair to hospitals as sample

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Competitor Factors Advantages of your innovation

Product/Service Name
The National Scientific Suppliers Plain glass slide Colour coding and bar coding on the
Ayanavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu slide

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Intellectual Property Rights
Patent Number, etc.

Patent Number Description Date

306586 Wheel chair for invalids pending

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( Insert customer testimonials)

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Brief Profile of the Applicant / Company/ Entrepreneur
Name : P. Jayakumar

Education : Master in Engineering and Master in Business Administration

Prominent Research fellow in Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, he invented

several Machines and methodologies related to Marine Engineering and Agricultural
Engineering, his researches are very helpful to the rural people and fishermen.

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