Lecture2 BPPTX

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Points to Ponder

 Buy one ‘Harpic’ and get an ‘Odonil’ free !!!

 Exchange your Maruti Alto for a Maruti Swift at a
Rs 40,000/= discount !!!
 Buy ‘Fast Track’ watches and get 5 different colored
wrist-bands free !!!
 New LG Television with unique ‘Child Lock’ feature
Why are such offers given to consumers??

Some more examples…..
 ‘Dar ke aage jeet hai’ ….. Mountain Dew
 ‘Filmi sitaron ka saundarya sabun’ …….. Lux
 ‘Desh ki Dhadkan’ ……… Hero Honda
 ‘An Idea can change your life’ ……. Idea

How do such slogans impact consumers??

Consumer Behaviour……..what is
All such activities done by a consumer, while obtaining
, consuming and disposing of products and services.
This includes the decision making processes that
precede and follow such actions.

Why study Consumer Behavior?
 Consumers ‘evolve’ with time, learning, exposure
and experience. They cannot be taken for granted.
e.g. People booked their railway tickets from the station
counters, now they prefer online purchase thru website.

 As a consequence, a sound understanding of

consumer behavior is a pre-requisite for sustained
success of any marketing program

The study of Consumer Behaviour covers:

1. Consumers in the Market Place.

2. Consumers as individuals.
3. Consumers as decision makers.
4. Consumers and subcultures.
5. Consumers and cultures.

Marketing decisions
• Market Segmentation: Process of dividing the market into distinct
subsets of consumers with common needs and characteristics and
selecting one or more segments to target with distinct marketing mix.
E.g. Bathing soap, detergents, shampoos etc.
• Segment Marketing: Serving needs of a particular group; different
marketing mix for different segments. e.g. Vegetarian recipes by
• Niche Marketing: Marketing to a single group, tailoring the mix to
their specific needs and attract them, allowing the firm to engage in
relationship marketing. e.g. Nutralite bread spread, Diet Coke, Sugar –
free etc.
• Differentiated Marketing: organizations sell multiple versions of a
product; each appealing to different market segment. Differentiated
strategy can produce greater sales. e.g. Pepsi in 300ml as well as 2 litres.
• Individual Marketing: tailoring market mix to suit individual
customers and create value for each individual. e.g. Designer clothes by
Ritu Kumar, Manish Malhotra. 7
Segment Bounding
• Means by which marketers differentiate among consumers and market

Type Examples
Demographic Age, Gender, Education, Income, Occupation
Psychographic Interests, Opinions, Values, Lifestyle
Personality, Self-image, Risk involvement,
Psychological Influence
Attitude, Beliefs
Culture, Subculture, Social class, Reference
Social Influence
group, household
Recognizing needs, response to marketing &
Marketplace behavior
communication, price and product acceptance
Consumption behavior Situation, usage rate, satisfaction, loyalty

Demographic Segmentation
• Age: Johnson’s Baby Soap is targeted at kids between 0-5 years. NIIT ads
target young adults in age group of 17-22 years.
• Gender: Obvious for products which are gender specific. e.g. Shaving
Creams, Fairness Creams etc. However, changing roles are seen in other
ads like detergents etc. (Ariel, Fair & Handsome etc)
• Marital Status: impact on consumption. Investments after marriage.
e.g. Elle-18 depicts freedom as a spinster.
• Household type: Type and size of household matters. Kelloggs shows
young household (couple with small kids)
• Education: Rational ads to educated, more emotional appeal to others.
• Income: Nescafe depicts sophistication, style (higher income), Bru a
middle class household. Ability to pay. Fluence car for high income
• Occupation: employment data to design product positioning. Surf
excel for field jobs (journalist ad)
Geographic Segmentation

• Clues on likely purchase behavior. Identifies segments based on

geographical boundaries. People in a same area share similar needs.
Regional differences are accounted for by climate, culture, religion,
concentration etc. e.g. Coastal cities with heavy rainfall for K C Pal
• Difference in needs among rural, urban and suburban areas. e.g.
Eveready Torch for rural areas, emergency lights for sub-urban areas,
CFL for Urban metros.
• Indian zones- viz. North, South, East and West greatly differs in their
culture, food habits, TV viewing patterns, social customs etc; hence
affecting their purchasing patterns. e.g. Regional TV Channels with
regional programmes.
• Feasible for marketer to concentrate efforts and resources and fully
utilize the available services.
Psychographic/ Psychological Segmentation

Refers to inner/ intrinsic qualities of an individual.

• Motivation: Understand ‘why’ of consumer’s buying pattern. e.g. Why did
ready to eat food items fail in India?
• Desired Benefits: need and benefits various segments seek from the product.
e.g. SX 4 - S1: for convenience & comfort , S2: status symbol
• Attitude: attitude towards brands give rise to distinct segments. (negatives,
functionalists, fun lovers etc. e.g. the ‘my can’ pack of Pepsi, Mountain Dew etc.
• Lifestyle: predict buyer behavior on the basis of attitude, interests and opinions
(VALS 2)… Colgate for trust and traditions.
• Personality: one’s personality determines the kind of product and the image
thus associated. UCB- young and easy attitude, Reid & Tailor- corporate image.
• Brand Loyalty: measure of customer attachment to a particular brand. They
prefer a particular product irrespective of thick and thin.
• Behavior: emotional and cognitive process going on inside a consumer’s head,
lead to many problems. Segmenting the market based on specific behavior
patterns and product use. E.g. while travelling in a train most people buy
magazines who otherwise do not buy.
Socio-Cultural Segmentation
• Family Life Cycle: All families pass through phases of formation,
growth and dissolution. At each stage, requirements vary and hence
becomes an important segment to be captured. (Maruti 800 ads in year

• Social Class: relative status and social standing is important to

consumers. It is a function of income, education and occupation.
Knowledge of buying patterns, behavior etc. is important to appeal to
different segments. (Raymond)

• Culture, Cross Culture & Sub culture: segmenting the domestic and
international markets on the basis of cultural heritage as members of
the same culture share same values, beliefs and customs. Within the
larger culture distinct subgroups and subcultures are united by certain
experiences, values or beliefs and make effective segments. Culturally
different segments. (Health conscious Indian urban upper middle class-
Purchase Segmentation

• Usage rate: segmenting based on the rate of product usage. Division of

market into heavy, moderate and light users and planning the
marketing mix differently for each. e.g. ‘Frequent Flyer’ scheme of

• Loyalty status: consistency with which consumers continue to buy

same brand of a particular product and show their commitment. e.g.
‘Loyality Cards’ offered by retail stores.

• User status: whether consumers have used the product in past, use it
currently or are likely to use the same in future. Different mix could be
needed for each category. e.g. Upgrade your Godrej Refrigerator, return
the old one and buy a frost-free one.

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Theory:
•Whenever you hear the ‘Intel’ jingle, you recall ‘Intel’
•Whenever you see the name ‘McDonald’, you are
reminded of Burgers.
•Whenever you see the Amul ‘Butter Girl’ you are
reminded of ‘Amul Butter’.
Model of Consumer Behavior
•Product Marketing and
•Price Other Stimuli •Technological
•Place •Political
•Promotion •Cultural

Buyer’s Black Box Characteristics

Buyer’s Decision affecting consumer
Process behavior

•Product Choice • Purchase

•Brand Choice
Buyer’s Response Timing
• Purchase
•Dealer Choice Amount
First developed in the late 1960s by “Mаrtin Fishbein” & later
revised & expanded by “Fiѕhbеin and Iсеk Azjеn”
It is a thеоrу that fосuѕеѕ on a реrѕоn’ѕ intention to bеhаvе in
сеrtаin wау.
Aссоrding to the thеоrу of rеаѕоnеd асtiоn, if реорlе evaluate the
suggested behavior аѕ positive (attitude), and if thеу think their
ѕignifiсаnt оthеrѕ want them to реrfоrm the bеhаviоr (ѕubjесtivе
norm), this rеѕultѕ in a higher intention (mоtivаtiоnѕ) and they
are more likely to do ѕо.
•The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) started as the Theory of
Reasoned Action in 1980 to predict an individual's intention.
Later it was intended to explain all behaviors over which people
have the ability to exert self-control.
•The TPB states that behavioral achievement depends on both
motivation (intention) and ability (behavioral control).
Expectation confirmation
theory (alternatively ECT or expectation disconfirmation
theory) is a cognitive theory which seeks to explain post-
purchase or post-adoption satisfaction as a function of
expectations, perceived performance, and disconfirmation
of beliefs
Dr. Csikszentmihalyi's best-known theory is that of
flow. Flow is the state of concentration and engagement
that can be achieved when completing a task that challenges
one's skills.
Few findings which motivated
study of Consumer Behavior
 Of all the products launched every year, only 55%
survive five years later.
e.g. FIAT launched Uno, Palio, Sienna etc but the could
not survive profitably.
 Of the various new product concepts offerred by
over 100 leading companies, only 8% reached the
market and out of this 8% only 17% achieved the
marketing objectives.
e.g. HUL launched pre-cooked ready-to-eat rice, in line
with Nestle’s Maggi, but failed miserably.
Satisfying the consumer’s need is more
important than the expectations of the

For survival, there is not option before the

companies but to understand and adapt
to consumer motivation and behavior.

Effective Marketing can positively influence
the consumer, provided the product/service
offered satisfies his/her needs and

The right marketing program can activate a

latent demand and lead to successful sales.

Consumer Research: The Dominant Forces
 Economy moving from – ‘production/product-
centric’ to ‘market/customer-centric’.
e.g. Hindustan Motors (Ambassador) followed product
centric approach and lost its market share to Maruti which
followed the customer centric approach.

 Better understanding of human behavior through

improved tools of psychology and other behavioral

The Marketing Challenge: Environmental
 Extent of gap between the supply and demand of the valid
products/services. e.g. LPG cylinders are often sold at a ‘premium’
due to demand-supply gap.
 Speed and accuracy of communication with/from customers.
e.g. Most PSU Banks lost their market share to Private Banks
because of speed & accuracy of communication.
 Efficient and multiple distribution channels. e.g. sales of
telephone connections increased after mobile service providers
started appointing dealers, contrary to MTNL & BSNL.
 Marketers power to influence and induce channel partners to
comply with overall marketing strategy. e.g. certain Dish Antenna
companies offer certain channels free.
 National & Global Economic growth.

What is Motivational Research?
Study to explore the factors that motivate consumers in
making choices. The techniques delve into the
conscious, subconscious and the unconscious state of
the consumer.

‘Bata sells lovely feet, and not foot-ware’.

‘Women don’t buy Ponds, they buy hope.’
‘While buying a Rolex, people don’t buy a time-keeping
machine, rather style’.

Characteristics Affecting …………..
…………….Consumer Behavior



Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior: Culture
• Values – Honesty e.g. Tata is an ‘honest brand’
• Perceptions – e.g. ‘fair & lovely’ will make you fairer.
• Subculture - Groups of people with shared value systems
based on common life experiences.
Example: Hispanic Consumers, African American
Consumers, Asian American Consumers, Mature
• Social Class - People within a social class tend to exhibit
similar buying behavior.
Example: Occupation, Income, Education, Wealth

Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior: Social
• Groups
• Membership
• Reference

• Family
• Husband, wife, kids
• Influencer, buyer, user Social Factors

Roles and Status

Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior:

Personal Influences
• Age and Family Life Cycle Stage
• Occupation
• Economic Situation
• Personality & Self-Concept

Lifestyle Identification
• Activities
• Interests
• Opinions

Lifestyle Dimension

Activities Interests Opinions Demographics

Work Family Themselves Age
Hobbies Home Social issues Education
Social events Job Politics Income
Vacation Community Business Occupation
Entertainment Recreation Economics Family size
Fashion Education Dwelling
Community Food Products Geography
Shopping Media Future City size
Stages in life
sports Achievements Culture

Joseph T. Plummer, “The concept and application of lifestyle segmentation, “Journal of Marketing, 38) 30
High on Resources
VALS 2 Status Oriented
High on Innovation
Principle Oriented Action Oriented

Fulfilleds Achievers Experiencers

Believers Strivers Makers


Low on Resources
Low on Innovation
Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior:


Beliefs and Psychological Perception

Attitudes Factors

What is Motivation?

Motivation refers to an activated state within a person that

leads to goal-directed behavior.

It consists of the drives, urges, wishes, or desires that

initiate the sequence of events leading to a behavior.

e.g. A banner announcing “50% off” on Lewis Jeans –

leading to youth discussing plans to visit the store.

A combo pack of “Harpic & Odonil” - leading housewives

shifting their favorite store.

 Motivation begins a stimulus that leads to the
recognition of a need. E.g. the free Odonil with Harpic was a
stimulus for the housewife.
 Need recognition occurs when a perceived discrepancy
exists between an actual and a desired state of being
• Needs can be either innate or learned.
• Needs are never fully satisfied.
• Feelings and emotions accompany needs
 Expressive needs involve desires by consumers to fulfill
social and/or aesthetic requirements. E.g. buying of a M F
Hussain Painting
 Utilitarian needs involve desires by consumers to solve
basic problems . E.g. filling a car’s gas tank.

The Types of Emotions

 The Ten Emotions People Experience:

Disgust Interest
Joy Surprise
Sadness Anger
Fear Contempt
Shame Guilt

Some General Theories of Motivation

 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

 McClelland’s Theory of Learned Needs
 Achievement motivation is seeking to get ahead, to strive for
success, and to take responsibility for solving problems.
 Need for affiliation motivates people to make friends, to
become members of groups, and to associate with others.
 Need for power refers to the desire to obtain and exercise
control over others.
 Need for uniqueness refers to desires to perceive ourselves as
original and different.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Esteem Needs
(self-esteem, status)

Social Needs
(sense of belonging, love)

Safety Needs
(security, protection)

Physiological Needs
(hunger, thirst)


Kotler’s Definition : Learning involves changes in an individual’s

behaviour arising out of experience. Most of the human behaviour is
learned over time out of experience.

Schiffman and Kanuk’s Definition : Learning is a process by which

individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and
experience that they apply to future related behaviour.

Loudon and Della Bitta’s Definition : Learning can be viewed as a

relatively permanent change in behaviour occurring as a result of

The salient features of Learning :
1. Consumer learning is a process, and thus it continuously changes
and evolves as a result of newly acquired knowledge.
2. This knowledge can be obtained from reading, discussing,
observing, thinking, etc. Or from actual experience.
3. Both the newly acquired knowledge and personal experience serve
as a feedback.
4. This also serve as a future behaviour in similar situations.
5. Not all learning is deliberate. Learning can be :
• Intentional : acquired as a result of careful search for information with
• Incidental : acquired as a result of accident or by the way, without
much effort.
6. The term “Learning” generally covers all ranges of learning from
simple reflexive responses to abstract concepts or complex
problem solving capability.

1. Motives, motivation or drive is very important for learning. E.g.
showing adsfor winter goods just before winter and summer
products just before summer.
2. Cues - Motives stimulate learning, whereas “Cues” are the stimuli
that give direction to these motives. E.g. in the market place, price,
styling, packaging, store display all serve as cues to help consumer
to decide a particular product from a group.
3. Response - Response is how the consumers react to the motives or
a cue, and how they behave. Response can be overt (open,
physical or visible) or covert (hidden or mental).
4. Reinforcement - Reinforcement is an important element which
increases the probability (tendency or likelihood) of a particular
response to occur in future as a result of a given set of motives and


Selecting, organizing and interpreting information in a

way to produce a meaningful experience of the world is
called perception.

Three different perceptual processes

Selective Consumer pays attention to certain stimuli and

Exposure ignores others

Selective Consumer interprets info so that is is consistent

Comprehension with his beliefs

Selective Average consumer only remembers

Retention 30% of information heard

Perceived risk
Perceived risk represents the anxieties felt because
the consumer cannot anticipate the outcomes of a
purchase but believes that there may be negative

Perceived risk is a consumer’s perception of the overall

negativity of a course of action based upon as
assessment of the possible negative outcomes and of the
likelihood that these outcomes will occur.

Perceived risk consists of two major concepts - the

negative outcomes of a decision and the probability
these outcomes will occur.
7 Types of Consumer Risks.

 Financial/Economic
 Performance
 Physical/Personal
 Psychological
 Social
 Time
 Opportunity Loss

Factors Influencing Risk Perception

 Characteristics of the person—e.g., need for

 Nature of the task
 Voluntary risks are perceived as less risky than involuntary

 Characteristics of the product—price

 Salience of negative outcomes

Six risk-reduction strategies

 Be brand loyal and  Seek out information in

consistently purchase the order to make a well
same brand. informed decision.
 Buy the most expensive
 Buy through brand image
brand, which is likely to
and purchase a quality have high quality.
national brand.
 Buy the least expensive
 Buy through store image brand in order to reduce
from a retailer that you financial risk.

Beliefs & Attitudes

• A descriptive thought about a brand or service
• May be based on real knowledge, opinion or

• Describes a person’s evaluations, feelings and
tendencies towards an object or idea
• They are difficult to change

Consumer Decision-Making
Need Recognition

Information Search

Cultural, Social,
Individual and
Psychological Evaluation
Factors of Alternatives
all steps


Complete model of consumer behavior

search Influences
• culture
• social class
• family
Stimuli Attention Alternative • situation
(marketer evaluation
dominated, Memory
other) Individual
Acceptance Purchase
• resources
• motivation &
Retention involvement
Outcomes • knowledge
• attitudes
• personality,
values, lifestyle
Dissatisfaction Satisfaction

•Family, friends, neighbors
Personal Sources •Most influential source of

•Advertising, salespeople
Commercial Sources •Receives most information
from these sources

•Mass Media
Public Sources •Consumer-rating groups

•Handling the product

•Examining the product
Experiential Sources •Using the product

Product Attributes
Evaluation of Quality, Price, & Features

Degree of Importance
Which attributes matter most to me?

Brand Beliefs
What do I believe about each available brand?
Total Product Satisfaction
Based on what I’m looking for, how satisfied
would I be with each product?
Evaluation Procedures
Choosing a product (and brand) based on one
or more attributes.

Purchase Intention
Desire to buy the most preferred brand

Attitudes of Unexpected
others situational

Purchase Decision

Consumer’s Expectations of
Product’s Performance

Product’s Perceived

Dissatisfied Customer

Cognitive Dissonance
• Consumer Behavior, 10/e,
Pearson Education,
Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, S Ramesh Kumar

• Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy

McGraw Hill education
Del Hawkins, David Mothersbaugh, Amit Mookherjee

• Consumer Behavior: Concepts and Applications

David L. Loudon and Albert J. Della Bitta

Thank you


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