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MY: 301 Steel Making Processes

Why Bessemer Process has become Out-dated?

This process has got some limitation:
 Pig iron of selected composition is required to be charged.
 Phosphorus and sulphur (to some extent) can only be oxidized by basic
Bessemer process.
 The steel contains high content of nitrogen, because air is blown for
oxidation. This provides adverse effects and makes the steel unsuitable for
most application such asdeep drawing purpose.

Comparison between Bessemer and Open Hearth Process:

S.No Bessemer Process Open Hearth Process

1. Alone scrap iron cannot be used. Alone scrap iron can be used.
2. Refining and finishing requires 10 Refining and finishing are completed
to 20 minutes. within 8 to 10 Hours.
3. Operation depends entirely on eye Operation is guided by laboratory
judgment, so that it is very difficult analysis, so that it is comparatively
to produce a uniform product. possible to produce a uniform product.
4. It produces inferior quality steel Open hearth steel is of much superior
associated with blow-holes quality containing lesser blow-
and inclusion. holes and inclusion.
5. Carbon is completely eliminated Carbon is partially removed and
first and so requires large amount requires smaller amount of
of recarburizer and the product recarburizers and the product is more
become less homogeneous. homogeneous.
6. Low capital investment. High capital investment.
7. Because of rapidity of the process, Operation is comparatively easy and
the control of different operation is finishing up to the desired analysis is
rather difficult and careful working feasible.
is necessitated.

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MY: 301 Steel Making Processes
Open Hearth Steel Making Process or Furnace (Siemens furnace):

 Introduction
 Working Procedure
 Construction of theFurnace


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MY: 301 Steel Making Processes

Figure: Schematic arrangement of an early type of Siemens furnace with about a

4.5 metric ton (5 net ton) capacity.

A. gas and air enter B. pre- heated chamber C. molten pig iron D. hearth E. heating chamber (cold) F. gas and air

Working Procedure Steps:

The process is divided into four steps.

i) Fettling.
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MY: 301 Steel Making Processes
ii) Charging.
iii) Melting.
iv) Refining.
v) Tapping

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MY: 301 Steel Making Processes

i) Fettling:

 The furnace lining gets eroded because of the action of the slag and/or metal,
particularly at the slag-metal interface line.
 It is repaired after every heat this is calledfettling.
 It is to be done to improve the furnace life.
 Earlier it was done manually but now fettling machine do the job very
 Granular material of the same composition as that of the furnace lining is used
for that purpose.

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