1. Ashenafi Marqos
2. Fantahun Birhanu
3. Hailu Dhabi
4. Mathiwous Biru
5. Shibiru Regase
6. Tefari Oluma
7. Tesfaye Hurrisa
8. Zewidu Sime
The PASDEP also embodies some bold new directions including a major focus on
growth with particular emphasis on commercialisation of agriculture, private sector
development, and the scaling up of resources to achieve the MDGs.
The PASDEP is the First Five Year Phase of Ethiopia’s Ten-Years MDGs
The Draft PASDEP widely discussed at all levels of Government as well as with non-
state actors and finally endorsed by the House of Peoples Representatives (Ethiopian
Parliament) in May 2006;
This set the stage for implementation of the PASDEP which is now in its second
year of implement
• Goals • Strategies and activities related to nutrition:
• Goals, objectives or targets related to nutrition: "The eight pillar strategies of the PASDEP are:
In effect, PASDEP is explicitly linked to the
MDGs and constitutes Ethiopia's medium term 1. Building all-inclusive implementation capacity;
plan for achieving the MDGs. "" (pg.1)
2. massive push to accelerate growth;
"" The poverty reduction effort of the
Government of Ethiopia has taken a longer-term 3. Creating the balance between economic development
view with the MDGs in perspective. and population growth;
the PASDEP was conceived as the medium-term 4. Unleashing the potentials of Ethiopia's women;
plan to attain the MDGs. In other words, it is an
MDGs-based plan. It establishes 5. Strengthening the infrastructure backbone of the
concrete basis for human rights -the right of
every person in the country to health, education, 6. Strengthening human resource development;
shelter and security-' as pledged in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 7. Managing risk and volatility; and,
UN Millennium Declaration. For the millions of
Ethiopians still living in extreme poverty, 8. Creating employment opportunities. -
Ethiopia's MDG-Based Plan carries the hopes
and aspiration of the next decade. Hence, this
Five Year Development Plan (PASDEP)
Policy topics:
o Underweight in women
o Fiscal policies
The Pillar Strategies of the PASDEP: Road
Out of Poverty
1. Building Capacity(with particularly with focus at sub-national levels(to create
capable state & private sector actors);
2.Massive Push to Accelerate Growth & create jobs (Private Sector Development
and Commercialization of Agriculture, Industry & Exports, Urban Development)
3. Addressing the Population Challenge;
4. Unleashing the Potentials of Ethiopian Women;
5. Strengthen the Infrastructure Backbone of the Country;
6. Improve Human Development;
7. Managing Risks;
These Pillars re-enforce each other and help us to optimize synergy-
hence strong outcome