Report in Curriculum
Report in Curriculum
Report in Curriculum
6. Learned Curriculum. How do we know if the student has learned? We always believe that if a student
changed behavior he/she has learned. For example, from a non-reader to a reader or from not knowing
to knowing or from being disobedient to being obedient. The positive outcome of teaching is an
indicator of learning. These are measured by tools in assessment which can indicate the cognitive,
affective and psychomotor outcomes. Learned curriculum will also demonstrate higher order and
critical thinking and lifelong skills.
7. Hidden/ Implicit Curriculum. This curriculum is not deliberately planned but has a great impact on
the behavior of the learner. Peer influence, school environment, media, parental pressure, societal
changes, cultural practices, natural calamities are some factors that create the hidden curriculum.
Teachers should be sensitive and aware of this hidden curriculum. Teachers must have good foresight to
include these in the written curriculum, in order to bring to the surface what are hidden.
The Teacher As Curricularist
• Curricularist
- a person who is involved in curriculum knowing , writing
planning implementing, evaluating, innovating and initiating.