The Entity-Relationship Model

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The Entity-Relationship

Database Design
 Goal of design is to generate a formal specification of the database schema
 Methodology:
 Use E-R model to get a high-level graphical view of essential components of
enterprise and how they are related
 Then convert E-R diagram to SQL DDL, or whatever database model you are
 E-R Model is not SQL based. It's not limited to any particular DBMS. It is a
conceptual and semantic model – captures meanings rather than an actual
 The E-R Model: The enterprise is viewed as set of
 Entities
 Relationships among entities
 Symbols used in E-R Diagram
 Entity – rectangle
 Attribute – oval
 Relationship – diamond
 Link - line
Entities and Attributes
 Entity: an object that is involved in the enterprise and that be distinguished
from other objects. (not shown in the ER diagram--is an instance)
 Can be person, place, event, object, concept in the real world
 Can be physical object or abstraction
 Ex: "John", "CSE305"
 Entity Type: set of similar objects or a category of entities; they are well
 A rectangle represents an entity set
 Ex: students, courses
 We often just say "entity" and mean "entity type"
 Attribute: describes one aspect of an entity type; usually [and best when]
single valued and indivisible (atomic)
 Represented by oval on E-R diagram
 Ex: name, maximum enrollment
 May be multi-valued – use double oval on E-R diagram
 May be composite – use oval for composite attribute, with ovals for components
connected to it by lines
 May be derived – use dashed oval
Entity Types
 An entity type is named and is described by set of
 Student: Id, Name, Address, Hobbies
 Domain: possible values of an attribute. 
 Note that the value for an attribute can be a set or list of values,
sometimes called "multi-valued" attributes
 E.g., (111111, John, 123 Main St, (stamps, coins))
 Key: subset of attributes that uniquely identifies an entity
(candidate key)
 Entity Types tend to correspond to nouns; attributes are
also nouns albeit descriptions of the parts of entities
 May have null values for some entity attribute instances
 Superkey: an attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identifies an
entity--there can be many of these
 Composite key: a key requiring more than one attribute
 Candidate key: a superkey such that no proper subset of its
attributes is also a superkey
 Primary key: the candidate key chosen to be used for identifying
entities and accessing records.  Unless otherwise noted "key"
means "primary key"
 Alternate key: a candidate key not used for primary key
 Secondary key: attribute or set of attributes commonly used for
accessing records, but not necessarily unique
 Foreign key: term used in relational databases (but not in the E-R
model) for an attribute that is the primary key of another table and is
used to establish a relationship with that table where it appears as
an attribute also.
Graphical Representation in E-R

 Rectangle -- Entity
 Ellipses -- Attribute (underlined attributes are [part of] the primary key)
 Double ellipses -- multi-valued attribute
 Dashed ellipses-- derived attribute, e.g. age is derivable from birthdate and
current date.
 [Drawing notes: keep all attributes above the entity. Lines have no arrows.
Use straight lines only]
 Relationship: connects two or more entities into an
 "John" majors in "Computer Science"
 Relationship Type: set of similar relationships
 Student (entity type) is related to Department (entity type)
by MajorsIn (relationship type).
 Relationship Types may also have attributes in the E-R
model.  When they are mapped to the relational model,
the attributes become part of the relation. Represented
by a diamond on E-R diagram.
 Relationship types can have descriptive attributes like
entity sets
 Relationships tend to be verbs or verb
phrases; attributes of relationships are again nouns
Attributes and Roles
 An attribute of a relationship type describes the
 e.g., "John" majors in "CS" since 2000
 John and CS are related
 2000 describes the relationship - it's the value of
the since attribute of MajorsIn relationship type
 The role of a relationship type names one of the related
 e.g., "John" is value of Student role, "CS" value
of Department role of MajorsIn relationship type
 (John, CS, 2000) describes a relationship
Relationship Type
 Relationship types are described by set of roles
and attributes
 e.g., MajorsIn: Student, Department, Since
 Think that entities are nouns; relationship types are
often verbs
 students and departments are the entities (nouns) and
roles in relationship types
 majors is the relationship type (verb)
 i.e., "student" "majors in " "department"
 Here we have used as the role name (Student) the
name of the entity type (Student) of the participant in the
Degree of relationship

 Binary – links two entity sets; set of ordered pairs (most

 Ternary – links three entity sets; ordered triples (rare)
 N-ary – links n entity sets; ordered n-tuples (very rare)
Cardinality of Relationships
 Number of entity instances to which another
entity set can map under the relationship
 One-to-one: X-Y is 1:1 when each entity in X is
associated with at most one entity in Y, and each entity
in Y is associated with at most one entity in X.
 One-to-many: X-Y is 1:M when each entity in X can be
associated with many entities in Y, but each entity in Y
is associated with at most one entity in X.
 Many-to-many: X:Y is M:M if each entity in X can be
associated with many entities in Y, and each entity in Y
is associated with many entities in X ("many" =>one or
more and sometimes zero)
Methods 1 - 4
Method 5
Relationship Participation Constraints
 Total participation
 Every member of entity set must
participate in the relationship
 Represented by double line from
entity rectangle to relationship
 E.g., A Class entity cannot exist
unless related to
a Faculty member entity
 Partial participation
 Not every entity instance must
 Represented by single line from
entity rectangle to relationship
 E.g., A Textbook entity can exist
without being related to a Class or
vice versa.
 Problem: relationships can relate elements of same entity
 e.g., ReportsTo relationship type relates two elements of Employee
entity type:
 Bob reports to Mary since 2000
 We do not have distinct names for the roles
 It is not clear who reports to whom
 Solution: the role name of relationship type need not be
same as name of entity type from which participants are
 ReportsTo has roles Subordinate and Supervisor and attribute Since
 Values of Subordinate and Supervisor both drawn from entity type
 Optional to name role of each entity, but helpful in cases of
 Recursive relationship – entity set relates to itself
 Multiple relationships between same entity sets
Schema of a Relationship Type
 Contains the following features:
 Role names, Ri, and their corresponding entity sets. Roles
must be single valued (the number of roles is called
its degree)
 Attribute names, Aj, and their corresponding domains.
Attributes in the E-R model may be set or multi-valued.
 Key: Minimum set of roles and attributes that uniquely
identify a relationship
 Relationship: <e1, …en; a1, …ak>
 ei is an entity, a value from Ri’s entity set
 aj is a set of attribute values with elements from domain of Aj
Existence Dependency and Weak
 Existence dependency: Entity Y is
existence dependent on entity X is each
instance of Y must have a corresponding
instance of X
 In that case, Y must have total participation
in its relationship with X
 If Y does not have its own candidate key, Y
is called a weak entity, and X is strong
 Weak entity may have a partial key, called
a discriminator, that distinguishes instances
of the weak entity that are related to the
same strong entity
 Use double rectangle for weak entity, with
double diamond for relationship connecting
it to its associated strong entity
 Note: not all existence dependent entities
are weak – the lack of a key is essential to

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