Optic Fiber
Optic Fiber
Optic Fiber
Optical fiber
Optical fiber (or "fiber optic") refers to the
medium and the technology associated with
the transmission of information as light pulses
along a glass or plastic strand or fiber.
Optical fiber carries much more
information than conventional copper
wire and is in general not subject to
electromagnetic interference and the
need to retransmit signals.
Fiber optic system
Communication system that uses light as the carrier of
the information from a source to a destination through a
guided fiber cable (glass or plastic) are called fiber optic
The information carrying capacity of a communication
system is directly proportional to it’s bandwidth.
The wider bandwidth the greater is it’s information
carrying capacity.
Because of high information carrying capacity and low
attenuation ,now-a-days fiber are finding wide application
in telecommunications ,Local area networks ,sensors,
computer networks ,etc.
Advantage of fiber optic
communication compared to
metallic cable communication
fiber optic
metallic cable
1.Extremely Wide (Large)
The bandwidth available with a single glass fiber is
more than 100 GHz.
With such a large bandwidth, it is possible to
transmit thousands of video conversations or
dozens of video signals over the same fiber
Irrespective of weather the information is voice ,data
or video or a combination of these, it can be
transmitted easily over the optical fibers.
Whereas ,only a very less number(40-50) of
independent signals alone can be sent through
metallic cables.
2.Immunity to
As optical fibers are being made of
either glass or plastic external
electrical noise and lightning do not
affect the energy in a fiber cable.
The result is noise free transmission.
However ,this is not true for metallic
cables made of metals ,as they are
good conductors of electricity.
3. Elimination of cross talk
Fiber system are immune to cross talk between
cables caused by magnetic induction .
Whereas ,in a metallic cable cross talk results
from the electromagnetic coupling between two
adjacent wires.
4. Lighter weight and smaller size
6. Security
Fiber cable are more secure than metallic cable.
Due to it’s immunity to electromagnetic coupling
and radiation ,optical fiber can be used in most
secure environments.
Although it can be intercepted ,it is very difficult
to do so because at the receiving user’s end an
alarm would be sounded.
7. Greater safety
In many wired system, the potential hazard
of short circuits requires precautionary
Whereas, the dielectric nature of optical
fibers eliminates the spark hazard.
8. Corrosion
Fiber cables are more resistive to
environmental extremes.
They operate over large temperature variation
than their metallic counter parts ,and are less
affected by corrosive liquids and gases.
9. Longer life and easy to
Alonger life span of 20 to 30 years is predicated
for the fiber optic cable as compared to 12 to 15
years for the conventional cables.
Fiber cable construction
Fiber cable construction
There are many different cable designs available
Depending on configuration, the cable may
include a core, a cladding, a protective tube, a
polyurethane compound and one or more
protective jackets.
The fiber cable consist of a core at the center and
a cladding outside the core.
The buffer jacket provide protection for the fiber
from external mechanical influences that could
cause fiber breakage or excessive optical
Surrounding the buffer jacket there is a layer of
strength members called Kevlar (a yarn type material)
which increase the tensile strength of cable.
Again, an outer protective tube is filled with
polyurethane ,which prevents moisture from coming
into contact with fiber.
The type of cable construction used depends on the
performance requirements of the system and both the
economic and environmental constraints.
Types of optical fibres
1. Based on material
- Plastic core with plastic cladding
- Plastic core with glass cladding
- glass core with glass cladding
3. Index profile
- Step-index fiber
- Graded index fiber
1. Based on material
i. Plastic core with plastic cladding
-This type of fibre cable have same material so it is easy in
- less expensive and easy to install
- Mostly use in short distance and have capability of
ii. Glass core with plastic cladding
-It is having low signal lost
-Less affected by radiation
-Suitable for military application
iii. Glass core with glass cladding (SCS)
- It is having lower signal lost than PCS
- More susceptible in radiation areas and losses
2. Based on mode of transmission
a) Single mode fiber
it is having only one path for light to pass.
Very small diameter of core.(7 to 10 μm)
It have bandwidth up to 40Ghz.
Mostly use in long distance and low cost circuit
like T.V. cable.
b) Multimode fiber
Light takes more than one path to travel .
Core is having diameter of 20 to 100μm.
Usually use for medium distance and high
3. Index profile
a) Step index fiber
Step index have uniform reflective
index of core.
Core have bigger refractive index than
Graph of radial distance vs. refractive
index is seems like a step-index fiber.
b) Graded index fibre
Core of graded index fibre have
c) refractive index
Refractive index is highest at
canter and decrease till end of
Application of optical fiber
(1) Communication
Optical fiber is mostly use in communication.
It is use in Wi-Fi router, Landline phone and
server- connector.
A single optical fiber can carry over
3,000,000 full-duplex
voice calls or 90,000 TV channels So it is use
in Broad bandwidth.
(2) Military
Optical fiber is use to make military equipment,
and weapons.
It is also use to make antenna to communicate in
far areas.
(3) Sensor
Most of sensors are made from optical
Optical is also use to make detectors
i.e. Metal detector
(4) Other application
Optical fiber is use to make lamps,
decorative application, art, toys, micro
scope and outer body of devices.
Many medical devices are made from
optical fiber.
Thank you