Chap09 Strength Training
Chap09 Strength Training
Chap09 Strength Training
Adaptations to
Measuring Muscular Performance
Adapted, by permission, from R.S. Staron et al., 1991, "Strength and skeletal muscle adaptations in heavy-
resistance-trained women after detraining and retraining," Journal of Applied Physiology 70: 631-640.
Did You Know . . . ?
Once your goals for strength development have been
achieved, you can reduce training frequency,
intensity, or duration and still prevent losses in
strength gained for at least 12 weeks. However, you
must continue training with a resistance maintenance
program that still provides sufficient stress to the
Key Points
Resistance Training
• Neural adaptations always accompany strength gains
from resistance training; hypertrophy may or may not
be present.
• Transient hypertrophy results from short-term
increases in muscle size due to fluid in the muscles.
• Chronic muscle hypertrophy results from long-term
training and is caused by structural changes in the
Key Points (continued)
Resistance Training
• Muscle hypertrophy is most clearly due to increases
in fiber size, but it also may be due to increases in
the number of fibers.
• Muscle atrophy occurs when muscles are inactive;
however, a planned reduction in training can maintain
muscle size and strength for a period of time.
• A muscle fiber type can take on characteristics of the
opposite type in response to training. Cross-
innervation or chronic stimulation of fibers may
convert one fiber type to another fiber type.
Acute Muscle Soreness
Key Points (continued)
Resistance Training Programs
• Periodization prevents overtraining by varying the
volume and intensity of training.
• Typically volume is gradually decreased while intensity
is gradually increased.
• Strength gains are specific to the speed of training and
the movement patterns used in training.
NSCA, P. 397
Sports Specific Exercises
• Specificity
• See p. 400
Alternated Upper & Lower Body