Lesson 7 Social Science 1
Lesson 7 Social Science 1
Lesson 7 Social Science 1
Homo erectus The species name means “Upright Man” with nody proportions
similar to that of modern humans. Lived 1.89 to 143,000 years
ago; adapted to hot climates and mostly spread in Africa and
Asia. They were the first to use axe and knives and produce fire.
Species with large brow ridge and short wide bodies that
Homo lived about 700,000 to 200,000 years ago in Europe and
heidelbergenesis Africa. They were the first to hunt wild animals in a routine
basis using spears, and first to construct human shelters.
Homo florensiensis Homo sapiens Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Homo sapiens sapiens
Man’s Cultural Evolution
Cultural Period Time Frame Cultural Development
Traditionally coincided - Use of simple pebble
with the first evidence of tool
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone tool construction and use - Learned to live in caves
Age) by Homosome 2.5 million - Discovered the use of
years ago. fire
1. It is a social system.
2. A society is relatively large.
3. A society recruits most of its members from
4. A society sustains itself across generations.
5. A society’s members share culture.
6. A society occupies a territory.
Fill up the table with correct
Species Characteristics
1. Homo habilis
2. Homo rudolfensis
of Man
3. Homo erectus
4. Homo heidelbergenesis
5. Homo floresiensis
6. Homo sapiens
Paleolithic Period
Neolithic Period