Lesson 7 Social Science 1

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The passage discusses the evolution and cultural development of early human species from around 2.5 million years ago to present day.

Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergenesis, Homo floresiensis, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens sapiens are discussed.

The Paleolithic period involved the use of simple tools, living in caves, and discovering fire. The Neolithic period involved the development of polished stone tools, permanent villages, dependence on domesticated plants/animals, and crafts like pottery and weaving.

Lesson 7:

Looking Back at Human Bio

Cultural and Social Evolution
Evolution of Man
Species Characteristics

Species with a brain of a Broca’s area which is associated with

speech in modern humans and was first to make stone tools.
Homo habilis The species name means “Handy Man”. Lived about 2.4 to 1.4
million years ago scavenging for food.

Species characterized by a longer face, larger molar and pre-

molar teeth, and having a larger braincase compared to habilis
Homo particularly larger frontal lobes, areas of the brain that
rudolfensis processes information. The species lived about 1.9 to 1.8 million
years ago.

Homo erectus The species name means “Upright Man” with nody proportions
similar to that of modern humans. Lived 1.89 to 143,000 years
ago; adapted to hot climates and mostly spread in Africa and
Asia. They were the first to use axe and knives and produce fire.
Species with large brow ridge and short wide bodies that
Homo lived about 700,000 to 200,000 years ago in Europe and
heidelbergenesis Africa. They were the first to hunt wild animals in a routine
basis using spears, and first to construct human shelters.

Species nicknamed “Hobbit” due to their small stature with a

Homo height of more or less 3 feet and lived 95,000 to 17,000 years
floresiensis ago in the island of Flores, Indonesia along with other
dwarfed animal species.

The species name means “Wise Man” that appeared form

Homo sapiens 200,000 years ago. The present human race belongs to this
Subspecies with short yet stocky in body build adapted to
winter climates especially in icy cold places in Europe and
Homo sapiens Asia. The subspecies, also known as “Neanderthal Man” is
neanderthalensis the closest relative of modern humans. The first to practice
burial of their dead, hunting, and gathering food and sewing
clothes from animal skin using bone needles.

Subspecies known as Cro-Magnon characterized to be

anatomically modern humans and lived in the last Ice Age of
Homo sapiens
Europe from 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. They were the first
to produce art in cave paintings and crafting tools and
Homo habilis Homo rudolfensis Homo erectus Homo helderbergenesis

Homo florensiensis Homo sapiens Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Homo sapiens sapiens
Man’s Cultural Evolution
Cultural Period Time Frame Cultural Development
Traditionally coincided - Use of simple pebble
with the first evidence of tool
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone tool construction and use - Learned to live in caves
Age) by Homosome 2.5 million - Discovered the use of
years ago. fire

- Stone tools were

shaped by polishing or
- Settlement in
permanent villages
Neolithic Age (New Stone Occurred sometime about - Dependence on
Age) 10,000 BC domesticated plants or
- Crafts (pottery and
Simple Differentiation of the Cultural Evolution
The evidence of change in economic aspect
have resulted in the transformation of man’s way
of life. Early societies started to emerge as a result
to man’s interaction with his environment. Every
society is organized in such a way that there will
be rules of conduct, customs, traditions, folkways
and mores and expectations that ensure
appropriate behavior among members.
Sociologically and anthropologically, society
possesses different characteristics that show the
interdependence of people with one another.
Characteristics of Human Society

1. It is a social system.
2. A society is relatively large.
3. A society recruits most of its members from
4. A society sustains itself across generations.
5. A society’s members share culture.
6. A society occupies a territory.
Fill up the table with correct
Species Characteristics
1. Homo habilis
2. Homo rudolfensis
of Man
3. Homo erectus

4. Homo heidelbergenesis

5. Homo floresiensis

6. Homo sapiens

7. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

8. Homo sapiens sapiens

Cultural Period Cultural Development

Paleolithic Period

Neolithic Period

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