Drag Queens

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Drag queens

What is a drag queen

The Collins of English dictionary defines a drag

queen : A male who dress up as a woman and
impersonates female characteristic for public
entertainment .
My goal for the presentation

• Provide you the information about the

background of drag queens
• There role in media and society
• mysterious life of drag queens
Beginning of drag queens
• Men dress up and pretended to be a women is
not a new concept
• In many countries young boys played the role of
women in early 1600’s
• At that time it was illegal for women to be on a
• The term drag started in 1870 used in theaters
to define male and females wear clothes that is
usually worn by opposite gender
Drag in theaters
• The stage was the dominance of male
• They call that "playing in drag?
• Developing of pet names
• Dress codes and wigs
Drag queens performing
• It was started in 1960’s
• On daily bases 1000 of queens performs on daily
• Drag queens are performance artists, almost
always male, who dress in women's clothing and
often act with exaggerated femininity and in
feminine gender roles with a primarily
entertaining purpose.
• They often exaggerate make-up such as eyelashes
for dramatic, comedic or satirical effect.

Drag queen in the media

• Drag in movies

• Drag in pop music

• Top queen shows

• Drag language
Mysterious life of drag queens

• Are all drag queens are gay

• Sex life of drag queens

• Drag queens only do drag for money

4 popular pakistani drag
1. Asif Quraishi, AKA Asifa Lahore

• A proud 32-year-old British-Pakistani drag

queen, Asif was born to a conservative British
Pakistani family. After coming out as gay at age
27, he adopted his alter ego, Asifa Lahore. Asifa
is featured in the documentary Muslim Drag

2. Ali, AKA Shilpa Jan

• After coming out as gay, Ali left the not-very-

drag-friendly Pakistan and moved to Britain.
Ali has assumed the role of Shilpa Jan,
performing in the United Kingdom’s gay
nightclubs. His first performance was filmed
in a short documentary.

3. Imran, AKA Zareena Khan

• Imran is another British-Pakistani drag queen,

and he goes by the drag name Zareena Khan.
His story is featured in the
documentary Muslim Drag Queens too.
Zareena is on several dating and social media
websites. He often gets responses from
married men interested in sleeping with him
because of the way he dresses.

4. Ali Saleem,AKA Begum Nawazis Ali

• Ali was born in Islamabad She's openly bisexual

and considers herself a “woman in a man’s
body.” She shattered many cultural Pakistani
norms and rose to fame as Begum Nawazish Ali
on The Late Night Show. There she raised many
taboo questions, and the government eventually
banned the show in 2007.

•Any questions

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