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Parameters and there usage

LST UPCPICH………..Display CPICH Power

MOD UPCPICH……to change pilot channel power
LST UCELLSELRESEL….Display cell selection and reselection parameter
LST U2GNCELL……Display 2G Neighbor cells
DSP UCELL….Display cell status and HSDPA Status
LST UINTRAFREQNCELL….Display intra freq neighbors
LST UCELLLDR….Display LDR algorithm information
LST UNODES…..Display NodeB ID
LST UCELLINTERRATHOCOV…..Display cell wise IRAT HO Parameter
LST UINTERRATHOCOV….. Display RNC wise IRAT HO Parameter
LST UIDLEMODETIMER….List idle mode constant and timers.
LST UCONMODEIMER…. List connected mode constant and timers
LST UCELLRLPWR…..List cell radio link power parameter
LST UCELLLDM…..List cell oriented LDM algorithm parameter
LST UCELLLDR…..list cell LDR Algorithm parameter
LST UCELLLLDB….list cell oriented LDB Algorithm parameter
LST UCELLHSDPA….List cell HSDPA Parameters
MOD UPCPICHPWR…..for modify power parameter
LST UCORRMALGOSWITH…….display connection oriented algorithm switches
ACT UCELL… activate cell in RNC
UBL UCELL ….to Ublock Ucell in RNC
BLK UNODEB… block unodeB IN RNC
LST UINTRAFREQNCELL …. To query the intra-frequency neighboring cell
ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL….to add neighbor cells (intra(the same) freq)
LST UINTERFREQNCELL …. To query the inter-frequency neighboring cell
ADD UINTERFREQNCELL….to add neighbor cells (inter(different freq))
REV UINTERFREQNCELL… remove the cells from defining.
LST U2GNCELL….to list the 2G neighbor cells
ADD U2GNCELL….to add the 2G neighbor cells RAC’S in the RNC
LST AC…list LAC and RAC’S in the RNC
DSP LICENSE….Query license configuration information
LST ULOCELL….. Display cell radius
LST ALMLOG…..display Alarm log
DSP BRD….display board information
DSP BRDMFRINFO…..display board type
LST ULGROUP….display UL Board allocation
LST DLGROUP…..display DL board allocation
LST BTSLONGLAT…..list BTS Long, lat
DSP ANTTILT……..display antenna tilt (cell wise)
LST UINTERFREQNCELL…..display inter freq neighbors
LST UINTRAFREQNCELL……display intra freq neighbors
DSP CELLCHK….give important info. About current status of the cell
LST RXATTEN…..Attenuation of Rx channel
EXP CFGMML….display RNC Radio parameter

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