The Human Person Philo
The Human Person Philo
The Human Person Philo
Facebook and other
social medias might
lead to depression
Studies indicate that our
social networking sites may
disconnect users rather than
connect people (Garcia,2014)
Aristotle,Buber,and Wojtyla
stress that the concreteness of
our experiences and existence is
directly linked to our experience
from others.Thus,if one has
meaningful relationships,aside
from enjoying one's
blessings,then,as Aristotle
concurshe is truly the one who
may rightly be termed happy
A. Medieval Ages (500-1500 CE)
B. Modern Period
The modern period is
generally said to begin
around 1500. Less than a
decade before the
arbitrary date
Christopher Columbus
had landed his ships in
the "new world",
altering not only the
geography but the With the reformation came not only the
politics of the world rejection of medieval philosophy but also
the establishment of the "Protestant
forever. ethic" ang the beginnings of modern
Human Being is the Most Interesting in Nature
During the Modern Period
Leadership in art and literature reached a peak in the Renaissance
The Vitruvian man had been one of the most famous icons of
this period
Leonardo Da vinci illustrated Vitruvius' principle that a well-
built human with hands and feet extended fits perfectly into a
circle and a square.
There is no dying that the advances in science during the 15th
to 18th centuries inspires Descartes, hobbes, Bacon, and others.
The bloody and cruelest years of continuous religious war
from 16th to 17th century required the need for a new kind of
During the Modern Period
social philosophy.
Human Being is the Most Interesting in Nature
1.) The first period was one of what we may call "naturalism":
It belongs wholly to the 17th century.
The philosophy of this first age lived in a
wrld where two things seemed clear.
Human Beings, they concieved as a
mechanism (Johnston 2006).
As for method of escaping from doubt,
which consists in the use of reason and in the
study of the facts of experience, nothing else
1.) The first period was one of what we may call "naturalism":
2)The 18th century
has it defining
movement,too. the
tendencies of the
period are such
that it is
frequently called
the age if
empiricism. john locke
george berkeley
david hume
3)Near the end of the century,
Immanuel Kant,whose philosopy is
generally known as critical
idealism, brought up his
philosophic thoughts with the
more general problem of kowledge.
immanual kant
C. Globalization and Technological
C. Globalization and Technological
Globalization is not a one way
C. Globalization and Technological
C. Globalization and Technological
The introduction of new
inventions in science eventually In the last decades of
led to the industrial revolution eighteenth century, industry
in the eighteenth century, and came to mean a collective work
since then, Western society has for our manufacturing and
taken off on a journey through
the endless world of science to
productive institutions, and
bring society into the developed for their general activities, in
conditions that can be seen today. the 1830s, this was called
D. Social Realm