Business Law - MMS - Session 8
Business Law - MMS - Session 8
Business Law - MMS - Session 8
MMS : Semester I
Session 8
Solving a case study ..
• Para 1 : Applicable Law (eg. Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act).
Provisions of the law.
• Para 2 : Facts of the Case (simplify the case study and state the facts,
as per law)
• Para 3 : Decision
Sample Case Study
• A makes a contract with B to sell a horse to B at a specified price, if
C, to whom the horse has been offered, refuses to buy him. Discuss
In the above case, A’s contract with B is contingent upon C’s refusal
to accept A’s offer.
In this case, the contact between A and B will not be enforceable, till
C refuses to buy the horse
Mock Test
Test 1
Case Studies in Business Law
Case Study
• Ajit is indebted to Balram for Rs.5 lakh. Ajit sells his property to
Chinky for Rs.6 lakh. Chinky, the purchaser of Ajit’s property,
promises to pay off the debt to Balram. Later, Chinky fails to pay
the debt amount to Balram. Can Balram sue Chinky for the debt
amount of Rs.5 lakh ? Give reasons.