Division of Economics

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Division of Economics

• Microeconomics
• Macroeconomics
 is the study of individuals, households and
firms' behavior in decision making and
allocation of resources. It generally applies to
markets of goods and services and deals with
individual and economic issues.
Additional Information:
Microeconomic study deals with what choices people make, what factors
influence their choices and how their decisions affect the goods markets
by affecting the price, the supply and demand.

 Demand
 Supply
 Elasticity
 Opportunity Cost
 Labor Economics
 Competition
 Competitive Advantage
 Consumer Choice
 Business Confidence
 Information Economics
 Welfare Economics
 Productivity
 Macroeconomics is the branch of economics
that studies the behavior and performance of
an economy as a whole. It focuses on the
aggregate changes in the economy such as
unemployment, growth rate, gross domestic
product and inflation.
Additional Information:
Macroeconomics analyzes all aggregate indicators and the microeconomic factors
that influence the economy. Government and corporations use macroeconomic
models to help in formulating of economic policies and strategies.

 Market
 Market Failure
 Competition
 Business Cycles
 Growth
 Price Stability
 Monetary Policy
 Employment
 Goods
 Productivity
 Efficiency
History of Economics
 Economics is the science that concerns itself with
economies, from how societies produce goods and
services to how they consume them. It has influenced
world finance at many important junctions throughout
history and is a vital part of our everyday lives. The
assumptions that guide the study of economics, have
changed dramatically throughout history, however.
 Adam Smith – Father of Economics
 Oikomos – Greek word

Three Basic Economics Problem:
What Goods and Services to Produce and How much?

 What does a society do when the resources are limited?

 It decides which goods/service it wants to produce.
 It also determines the quantity required. 

 Definition:
This problem involves selection of goods and services to beproduced and the
quantity to be produced of each selected commodity. Every economy has limited
resources and thus, cannot produce all the goods. More of one good or service
usually means less of others.

How to Produce Goods and Services?
 Definition:
This problem refers to selection of technique to be used for production
of goods and services. A good can be produced using different
techniques of production. By ‘technique’, we mean which particular
combination of inputs to be used. Generally, techniques are classified
as: Labour intensive techniques (LIT) and Capital intensive techniques


For whom to Produce Goods and Services?
 This problem refers to selection of the category of people who will
ultimately consume the goods.
 Definition:
It has to decide on who gets what share of the total output of goods and
services produced. In other words, society decides on the distribution of
the goods and services among the members of society.


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