Lab Group A
● What is End of Life care?
○ Hospice Care vs. Palliative Care
● In what setting does End of Life care occur?
○ Home, hospice, nursing home, hospital
● When do people receive it?
○ Transition away from traditional hospital ● Significance to Nursing
curative care. Focus on comfort and holistic ○ Role of nurses in palliative and end of life care
needs of patient ■ Advocacy and Communication
● Who is involved in care? ■ Nurses know the patient!
○ Multi-disciplinary team
(National Institute of Health, 2017) (Hagan, Xu, Lopez, & Bressler, 2018)
PICOT Question
● End-of-life care established within the Medicare Hospice Benefit
○ Hospice certification: must include medical, nursing, social work, chaplaincy, and
bereavement support
● 41% of hospice care patients receive care at home, 22% inpatient hospice
● Growth of hospital palliative care teams
(Morrison, 2015)
Summary of Current Practice
● Palliative care teams in hospitals
● Adheres to National guidelines established in Hospice Medicare Benefit
○ Additional state requirements - such as licensure through Joint Commission
(Morrison, 2015)
Local (St. Joseph’s Hospital)
● No specific palliative care team, but physicians and case managers guide patients and families through
available options
● No specific training for nurses
● Focus of care changes to comfort measures and controlling pain
● Nurses act as resources for the patient and family
Synopsis of Research
● Main findings:
○ No matter the setting, patient-family satisfaction determined to be equal
○ Four main variables:
■ Information about patient, consistency, spiritual care, and anxiety reduction
○ Earlier intervention associated with
■ greater satisfaction
■ decreased cost to patient and hospital
○ Nurse education associated with greater confidence and patient satisfaction
● Levels of evidence from III-VI
○ Cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, quasi-experimental studies
Strengths and Limitations of Research
● Peer reviewed
● Complementary & refined
● Easy to analyze
● Sample size
● Findings may not be reproduced
● Data collection
Evidence Based Recommendations
Research findings:
● Hospice patients and their families were equally satisfied in both home
hospice and inpatient hospice settings
○ Factors that cause increased patient and family satisfaction:
■ Patient information
■ Consistency in care
■ Spiritual care
■ Anxiety reduction
(Win-Win, 2014)
Risk vs. Benefit Based on Research: Home-Based
Hospice Care
● Risk of home-based hospice:
○ Advanced level of care is needed (Ong, Brennsteiner, Chow, & Hebert, 2016).
As a group and based on research we feel confident in stating that patient and family
satisfaction is consistent throughout home-based hospice and inpatient hospice
care. However, with the implementation of this intervention, satisfaction rates will
continue to improve in the future.
Thank you!
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