Desk Sphygmomanometer: Group Paracetamol

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Desk Sphygmomanometer

Definision :
Sphgmromanometer is one of many
medicaL tools who use by nurse and doctor
in the hospital. It is important to check vital
There are twu kinds of

1. Digital sphgymomanometer It is
sphygmomanometer with digital tecnology

2. Mercury sphygromanometer It is
sphygromanometer made with mercury

Function :

Sphymomanometer is a mecical tool to

check one of vital sign, it is to check blood

User :
Sphygmomanometer is usually used
by doctor or nurse in the hospitalor in
the practice room to check blood
preasure, but someone can use it to
check blood preasure her self.
Place to use :

We usually use it in the legh, but if our

legh is imposible to pair, we can use thigh to
check blood preasure with this tool.
How to use?

How to use sphygmomanometer is as

follows. People who would lay down their blood
pressure measured, then the cuff
sphygmomanometer tied around the upper
arm, about 2 fingers above the elbow crease.
Then a stethoscope placed on the artery
brakhialis located at the elbow crease.
While listening to the pulse, the pressure
within it raised by pumping until a pulse is heard
again, then the pressure within it slowly lowered.
At the time of the pulse rate began to be heard
again, see that there is pressure on the boundary
or surface of the mercury contained in the
sphygmomanometer. So the pressure is called
systolic pressure.
In the measurement process, the pressure
within it remain lowered. The sound pulse will
be heard more clearly until one day the voice
sounded weak pulse and eventually disappear.
When the sound pulse weakened, again we see
in sphygmomanometer pressure, and pressure is
then called the diastolic.
How to keep sphymomanometer :

1. Keep it in the cuboard to save from


2. Clean it every day with duster.

3. Check mercury after used.


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